I must admit that though I loved the conference and respect Nancy Leigh Demoss tremendously, at times I have neglected to read the emails that I have received from them. Usually it's because of time, "I only have so much time in the day after all" I'd tell myself. At other times I must selfishly admit the title just hasn't captured my attention. But then there are other times...times when I have been totally drawn in...even responding myself to them.
Recently a month or so ago was one such time. I had received an email saying that they were looking for women who would be willing to read a new book that Nancy Leigh Demoss had written. All that they required was that I be willing to blog about it. I thought, I could do that! In fact I'd love to do that! So I signed up submitting my blog and email address. Days had passed by and I had not herd from them, so of course I had thought I wasn't picked for this amazing opportunity.
Then one day as I came in from outside I glanced over at my desk, there sat a pile of mail. On top of the mail was a small box. I opened that box and to my surprise there was the book. The whole house shook as I literally did a happy dance in my kitchen. "Woohoo!!! They picked me! I can't believe it!!!" "I'm so happy oooh, I'm so happy, ooh, I'm so happy!!!" Fortunately no one was around to see this sudden eruption of joy. Just me and my cat:)
Today is your introduction to this new book I'm reading. The name of it is "Voices of the True Women Movement