
Monday, May 31, 2010

Blogs, Missed Opportunities??? and Happy Surprises

Daily I receive emails from a blog called True Woman  I had signed up for the blog after I had attended a True woman conference.  It was one of the best Christian conferences for women I have ever had the privilege of attending.  I left that conference with my head and heart filled with the love of Jesus and an increased desire to live my life for Him in the way He originally had purposed for us women.

I must admit that though I loved the conference and respect Nancy Leigh Demoss tremendously, at times I have neglected to read the emails that I have received from them.  Usually it's because of time, "I only have so much time in the day after all" I'd tell myself.  At other times I must selfishly admit the title just hasn't captured my attention.  But then there are other times...times when I have been totally drawn in...even responding myself to them.

Recently  a month or so ago was one such time.  I had received an email saying that they were looking for women who would be willing to read a new book that Nancy Leigh Demoss had written.  All that they required was that I be willing to blog about it.  I thought, I could do that!  In fact I'd love to do that!   So I signed up submitting my blog and email address.  Days had passed by and I had not herd from them, so of course I had thought I wasn't picked for this amazing opportunity.

 Then one day as I came in from outside I glanced over at my desk, there sat a pile of mail.  On top of the mail was a small box.  I opened that box and to my surprise there was the book.  The whole house shook as I literally did a happy dance in my kitchen. "Woohoo!!!  They picked me!  I can't believe it!!!" "I'm so happy oooh, I'm so happy, ooh, I'm so happy!!!"  Fortunately no one was around to see this sudden eruption of joy.  Just me and my cat:) 

Today is your introduction to this new book I'm reading.  The name of it is "Voices of the True Women Movement."  It is written by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and some of  the contributors to the book are John Piper, Mary Kassian, Joni Eareckson Tada, and Janet Parshall.   If your like me, after you have herd these names you are anxious to dig into the book. However now that I've wet your appetite for what the book is about you will have to wait until tomorrow to hear more...