I'm nostalgic about many things, mostly though I'm nostalgic about old books. Not just the words themselves that are on the page but the look, the feel, and the musty smell. I love when I get my hands on an early edition and all the better if I get the first edition. I think the reason it brings me such pleasure is that it makes me think of slower simpler times. Of course that's all in my naive nostalgic mind. Since the days of yesteryear were anything but simpler. Could you imagine having to go out in the middle of winter traipsing through the snow to pump water from the well outside, lug it into the kitchen, heat it up on a wood burning stove that you had chopped and hauled wood in for then stoked in order to get hot enough. Then once the water was finally at the right temp you could wash your dishes, your clothes or bathe etc... No, it definitely was not an easier time especially when you consider all of our modern conveniences such as hot water coming right out of the tap or washing machine. Speaking of washing machines, think of all that scrubbing and wringing they used to have to do just for one shirt let alone a whole families worth of clothes. I shudder to think how long it would take me if I had to do my family of 8's clothes all by hand. Yikes! No wonder people were more physically fit in those days! And they didn't even have to go to a gym or pop in a video to get that way!?!
Oops, I guess I got off track a little. So, where was I? Oh yes, I was saying I'm nostalgic about books especially old ones. That I am! So, when my husband who knew about my love of reading started to ask me what I thought about the eReaders, I told him I was opposed to the idea. My objections: I love the feel of a good book in my hands, it just doesn't seem right, how awful to think books could be replaced someday by these, and on and on. Nonetheless, for almost a year he kept questioning me feeling me out on the subject. His prodding had me thinking more and more about the idea of someday owning one. As I considered it I started to see some of the possible benefits. Such as I wouldn't need to lug around a huge over stuffed book bag when I go places since all my books would be stored on one little device. Which would mean I could take all the eBooks I own anywhere I went! Wow! I told him that perhaps I would consider one after all, but it would never fully replace actual books for me. We casually looked at the many possibilities out there. Together we looked at those that were sold in the large bookstores and on Amazon. We also looked at the knock offs. This I thought was simply window shopping more then serious investigation. Imagine my surprise when for Christmas I opened up a
NOOKcolor !!! I nearly cried as emotions of surprise, joy, and guilt all swept over me at the same time. With six kiddo's to buy for we just don't spend that much on each other for Christmas.
My New NOOKcolor |
Needless to say I was anxious to try out my
NOOKcolor and immediately I was sold on it!!! From the colorful children's books that read to you (our youngest loves these), to the free NOOKbooks, to the old editions of Christian classics that have been scanned (you can download these for free) such as Spurgeon, Amy Carmichael, etc... to it's highlighting and note taking capabilities, then there's the web browsing capabilities, along with the apps such as Pandora, the back-lighting makes it so you can read in the pitch dark, and then there is all the NOOKbooks you can purchase download and read almost instantly. Of course these are only some of the features there are many more along with the promise of more apps to come soon.
Over the last 3 months I have read more Novels then I had in the last five years. All of which have been free thus far. One caution though! If you own a Nook and want to do some free reading I highly recommend reading the descriptions and reviews carefully before deciding on which free NOOKbook to download to your device . By doing so I have been saved from downloading and reading a book with content that I do not want to be exposed to. It seems others have not been as fortunate. As a result of carefully screening which books to choose I must say I have enjoyed all of the books I've read thus far! Most of which have been by Christian Publishers.
The last free NOOKbook I read is the one in the above photo:
The Apothecary's Daughter by Julie Klassen (it is no longer being offered for free, but I'd pay for this one). If you love Jane Austin then you would really enjoy this book. This book held my attention the whole time making it hard to put it down. I've started a new book by a different Author since, but it seems flat and slow moving in comparison. I am a huge fan of Jane Austin's books so that could be why this book along with it's Christian emphasis is definitely a favorite!!! I can't wait to be able to purchase and read the other books by this Author. For those of you who don't have an eReader yet, don't worry!!! It is also available in book form or if you download the
Free NOOK app at Barnes & Noble for your PC you can then start reading the book almost immediately on your PC.
One last thing, I want you to know that I and my family members are not employed at Barnes & Noble nor do I in anyway benefit if you decide to purchase a NOOK or NOOK color! I just wanted to share with you the journey I've been on from book lover to book and NOOK lover. I probably would have said the same about any eReader I would have been given as a gift. This just happens to be the one my husband chose and comes with some perks the others didn't. If all this talk has sparked an interest within you to consider an eReader I would recommend that you do as we did and compare the positives and the negatives of each along with the cost before you decide. Or perhaps you will just stick with your books and well, that's o.k. too!!! Really!!! However this nostalgic lady has embraced both, and I'm glad I did! I'm mostly grateful for my husband who was wise enough to push and prod me until I jumped on board! I love you Honey!!!