Last year I attended a conference for Christian women. As in most conferences there were tables filled with books and misc. items that were for sale. Amongst the many books I came upon a small treasure. It was a simple silver key chain that read "The Blessings of Thorns." I knew that I was in need of being constantly reminded that the difficult and painful circumstances we all face are blessings. By that I don't mean to sound as though I'm saying they don't hurt because I know full well they do. What I do mean is that for those who are God's children, those circumstances as unbearable and painful as they may seem at the time are allowed for our good and for God's purposes (Romans 8:28). We may not always see what the good is in this life, but we can be certain that someday when we meet Jesus face to face we will fully understand. I purchased this key chain and immediately added it to my other key chains. Today I was holding my keys and glanced down at this very key chain, I rubbed it's surface thinking about it's message in the context of the many thoughts that were weighing me down and running through my head...
Those many thoughts...that life is painful and that so many people struggle with navigating through this world. That I too have struggled navigating through this world and that apart from Christ I don't know how I would. There have been many times I've been sorely tempted to be crushed by the weight of the trials I've faced. Tempted to give up, I would cry out to my Savior and He alone would give me strength along with the courage that I needed to get up and keep going. It was in these times that I experientially learned that My God is faithful, He sustains, He heals the broken heart, He comforts when no one else can, He fights for you, He protects, He strengthens those who are weak, He forgives, He is just, He provides a timely word through others, He knows all about me and loves me anyways, and I could go on and on. It was also in these times that I've seen God tear down my idols, remove unhealthy desires and habits, transform my thinking from one that rebelled against His ways to one that longed for them, and I've seen Him purify my need for affirmation from others. Learning all this and more about our God is worth to me the sorrows and hardships I have had to face. This is the good that He has worked out in my circumstances. I may not yet see the good that I had longed or prayed to see, but this I know my God is faithful and He does supply all my need in Christ Jesus. So I continue on, but not in bitterness of heart for unanswered prayer. No, I continue on rejoicing for all that Christ has accomplished on my behalf, that is my salvation and sanctification that will one day be complete. It is in this that I hope, not in a perfect life here. No, I know that in this world I will have troubles and yet Christ will see me through. I long for everyone to know this hope that I have in Christ. This hope that carries me through the darkest of times...
Other thoughts that were running through my mind that spurred all of this on...I was sitting in a coffee shop today studying for my class. I've been studying the many different psychological theories and how they measure up when compared with the absolute truths in Scripture. When I noticed a young lady along with an older woman sit down next to me. I couldn't help but be curious since this was a weekday and the girl should have been in school. I noticed that they were obviously not mother and daughter for they did not look alike in any way. Though I tried not to listen I couldn't help but overhear some of their conversation since they were right next to me. The older woman was asking probing questions of the younger girl. I only herd bits and pieces because I truly was trying to study, but this is what I gathered: the girl has been having some problems and It was obvious this woman was there to help this young woman in some way. As a result of the bits and pieces I had overheard I became burdened for both these woman. I also became introspective...
I started to think about all those I personally know who are struggling right now. Those who though they need help have chosen to not get the help they need and continue on a destructive path. It's hard watching loved ones make choices that you know will in the long run hurt themselves and those that love them. Ugh!!! Sometimes I just want to shake them so they'll wake up. Releasing them to God, letting Him deal with them in His way, and on his time scale is hard for me. My professor said in one of our classes that a counselor is not a Savior. Whack! I felt that like a slap on the back of my head. Of course there is one and only Perfect Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ!!! Though I long to help those in need and it is a God given desire, I must always remember my rightful place. That is, I'm merely an instrument of God for the purpose of pointing others to Him.
All this brings me back to that simple silver key chain and the reminder that is engraved on it's face "The Blessings of Thorns." The "Thorns" in my life God used to bring me to my knees before Him in humble repentance and submission to His will, to rid me of sin (which is an ongoing process), to show me my need of Him, to cause me to depend on Him, taught me that all I need is found in Him alone, and that through the trials He taught me about Himself in ways that could never be learned by simply studying His word. Yes, the trials I've faced I can confidently say have been a blessing to me and if you are His daughter they can be a blessing to you too.
Dear Sister, if you are going through trials right now let me suggest that you have a choice before you. You can either respond in humility asking God to teach you through the trial you are facing or you can respond by fighting against it, letting anger and bitterness build up within you. One choice leads to a joy-filled hopeful life the other to misery. Which one will you choose today?
Never forget you are loved with a perfect, faithful, everlasting, and pure love Dear Sisters!!!!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The Good, the Bad, and the Messy
Organization has never come easy for me. In fact I distinctly remember fighting against it as a child to my poor mom's dismay since she was always neat, and always well organized. I on the other hand loved mess and it seemed I preferred it to orderliness. As an adult I've gotten myself in a lot of trouble as a result. I've missed Dr. appointments, birthdays, lost things (I have way to many safe places), etc...I wish I would have learned from my mom the discipline of organization instead of rebelling against it as a child. It is definitely much harder to change bad habits the longer you've practiced them.
Having said that I want you to know that I have come along way. I'm not where I once was, but yet I still have a long way to go. I also want to encourage you by letting you know that that the more organized I become the more I love it. In fact I prefer it. I love being able to find items right away and I've discovered that clutter along with piles of paper overwhelm me. If you decide to take this journey towards being more organized with me I can guarantee that you too will love the difference it makes in your life.
This section on organization will be about this journey towards being more organized. Notice I didn't say completely organized but more. I know my limitations and that I will never be a perfectly organized woman nor do I want to be. My desire is to simply continue to improve from where I am, understanding that I may have setbacks and slipping back into old habits. If I do, I will start again reminding myself to "forget, reach forward, press on" (Phil. 3:13) whenever I fail. This tip and many more which I'm sure I will continue to share with you I found in a book I've read by Donna Otto called "Get More done in Less Time."
I hope to honestly share with you both my successes and my failures. So that if there is any of you out there who struggle with being organized you will be encouraged to make small changes towards being more organized too. You are not alone and you are not a hopeless case destined to be buried in piles of stuff. There is hope!!!
One area where I have made improvement in is keeping the house tidy and the clutter down. At least on the main floor of the house, lol. Although with as many people living in our house as there is this is an ongoing challenge with days of failure. Keeping the house looking clean means that I have to go somewhere with all the stuff that commonly clutters a house. You know what I'm talking about: school and Sunday school papers, mail, misc. papers, and all those things you just don't no where to put but you know you shouldn't throw away. Usually I simply shove them in my cabinet above my computer. Or things other then paper get shoved into various closets and cabinets until they start overflowing getting to hard to close. My dad always joked calling these closets "Fibber McGee closets." This is from a popular radio show that aired from 1935-1959, every time Fibber McGee would open the closet door stuff would come pouring out at him making a lot of noise and causing a lot of laughter with him saying "I gotta get that closet cleaned out one of these days." Can anybody relate? I can!!!
Today I will begin organizing a "Fiber McGee" cabinet of mine above my desk. I'm posting the before pictures then when my cabinet is organized I will post the finished picture.
Reminds me of us. Sometimes we look like we've got it altogether on the outside, but if anyone were able to open up the doors to our insides they'd see that we're a mess. While I'm working on my cabinet and your waiting to hear the details why not meditate with me on these scriptures:
Having said that I want you to know that I have come along way. I'm not where I once was, but yet I still have a long way to go. I also want to encourage you by letting you know that that the more organized I become the more I love it. In fact I prefer it. I love being able to find items right away and I've discovered that clutter along with piles of paper overwhelm me. If you decide to take this journey towards being more organized with me I can guarantee that you too will love the difference it makes in your life.
This section on organization will be about this journey towards being more organized. Notice I didn't say completely organized but more. I know my limitations and that I will never be a perfectly organized woman nor do I want to be. My desire is to simply continue to improve from where I am, understanding that I may have setbacks and slipping back into old habits. If I do, I will start again reminding myself to "forget, reach forward, press on" (Phil. 3:13) whenever I fail. This tip and many more which I'm sure I will continue to share with you I found in a book I've read by Donna Otto called "Get More done in Less Time."
I hope to honestly share with you both my successes and my failures. So that if there is any of you out there who struggle with being organized you will be encouraged to make small changes towards being more organized too. You are not alone and you are not a hopeless case destined to be buried in piles of stuff. There is hope!!!
One area where I have made improvement in is keeping the house tidy and the clutter down. At least on the main floor of the house, lol. Although with as many people living in our house as there is this is an ongoing challenge with days of failure. Keeping the house looking clean means that I have to go somewhere with all the stuff that commonly clutters a house. You know what I'm talking about: school and Sunday school papers, mail, misc. papers, and all those things you just don't no where to put but you know you shouldn't throw away. Usually I simply shove them in my cabinet above my computer. Or things other then paper get shoved into various closets and cabinets until they start overflowing getting to hard to close. My dad always joked calling these closets "Fibber McGee closets." This is from a popular radio show that aired from 1935-1959, every time Fibber McGee would open the closet door stuff would come pouring out at him making a lot of noise and causing a lot of laughter with him saying "I gotta get that closet cleaned out one of these days." Can anybody relate? I can!!!
Today I will begin organizing a "Fiber McGee" cabinet of mine above my desk. I'm posting the before pictures then when my cabinet is organized I will post the finished picture.
Nice and tidy on the outside but don't be deceived quite messy on the inside.
Reminds me of us. Sometimes we look like we've got it altogether on the outside, but if anyone were able to open up the doors to our insides they'd see that we're a mess. While I'm working on my cabinet and your waiting to hear the details why not meditate with me on these scriptures:
Test me, O LORD, and try me, examine my heart and my mind;
for your love is ever before me, and I walk continually in your truth.
Psalm 26:2&3
8" 'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
Matthew 15:8
"Are you still so dull?" Jesus asked them. 17"Don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean.' 19For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20These are what make a man 'unclean'; but eating with unwashed hands does not make him 'unclean.' "
Matthew 15:16-22
9 Hide your face from my sins
and blot out all my iniquity.
10 Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
11 Do not cast me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
13 Then I will teach transgressors your ways,
and sinners will turn back to you.
14 Save me from bloodguilt, O God,
the God who saves me,
and my tongue will sing of your righteousness.
15 O Lord, open my lips,
and my mouth will declare your praise.
16 You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it;
you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.
17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart,
O God, you will not despise.
Psalm 51:9-17
for your love is ever before me, and I walk continually in your truth.
Psalm 26:2&3
8" 'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
Matthew 15:8
"Are you still so dull?" Jesus asked them. 17"Don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean.' 19For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20These are what make a man 'unclean'; but eating with unwashed hands does not make him 'unclean.' "
Matthew 15:16-22
9 Hide your face from my sins
and blot out all my iniquity.
10 Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
11 Do not cast me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
13 Then I will teach transgressors your ways,
and sinners will turn back to you.
14 Save me from bloodguilt, O God,
the God who saves me,
and my tongue will sing of your righteousness.
15 O Lord, open my lips,
and my mouth will declare your praise.
16 You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it;
you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.
17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart,
O God, you will not despise.
Psalm 51:9-17
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Quieted by His Love
Dear immensely loved Daughters of the King of Kings,
My heart yearns for you to know the Love of the Father as I do. It is His love that strengthens me when I'm weary, brings light in the darkest moments, sustains me through dry times, brings joy despite sorrow, gives hope, compels me to obey Him, to follow Him wherever He leads, and encourages me when life is overwhelming. This love is not for me alone, but for you too. He loves you far more then anyone ever could. Perhaps today you are feeling hopeless, exhausted, fearful, anxious, forgotten, unloved, alone, weary, abused and or neglected. Or perhaps you are the one feeling as though you have no love to give, hatred, bitterness, anger, disappointed in those you love, guilt over sin, burdened by your circumstances. Whatever your circumstance, wherever you are at, I want you to know that Jesus grace, mercy, and love are more then sufficient for you and your situation. Listen to Jesus own words:
"Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matt. 11:28-29
Perhaps your reading this thinking He must be speaking those words to others and not you. Let me assure you He was talking to you. Jesus knows all about you, your every thought, and everything you've ever done. Nothing is hidden form Him, He saw it all and yet He loves you beyond measure. His love for you is as far as the east is from the west. Have you ever thought just how far the east is from the west? It is not like a globe circular so that at some point they meet, no it continues beyond what the eye or largest strongest telescope can see or the mind can comprehend, it is limitless going on and on forever. His love for you is so vast that He who alone deserves nothing but praise, glory and honor humbled Himself, though He had the power to wipe out the whole world, and suffered verbal abuse from us mere men, abandonment from everyone even those who were His closest friends and His own Father, and was physically tortured until He died, rising again on the third day. All this for you so that you might be His child someday. Did you know that to the cross He carried your sorrows, bore your griefs, was despised and rejected so that you might be welcomed by God, was scourged beyond recognition for your forgiveness of sins, all this and more so that we might have peace with God (Isaiah 53)? Did you also know that it was the will of the Lord to pour out His soul and die for you? For you my precious sisters!!! Hear the words of the Lord anew today:
"The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love; He will exult over you with loud singing." Zephaniah 3:17
Maybe your thinking but He doesn't know what I've gone through. Doesn't He? His book says that Jesus was tempted in all ways, yet did not sin. Do you think He doesn't understand suffering, or how hard it is to resist temptation? No, He does know and that is why for those who believe in Him He has provided His Spirit so that you to may be able to resist temptation and be overcomers despite your circumstances. Maybe your thinking He doesn't know what it's like to be betrayed by a close friend, a spouse, or a rebellious child. Oh but he does, he suffered it all only by more people then we can fathom for all of the human race are his creation. They are His children and all have turned their back on Him who is the only perfect parent, spouse, and best friend. No, dear sweet sister, He knows your pain and He has been right beside you all along ensuring you'd make it through. Even now He has led you here to remind you of His great love.
"You are loved with an everlasting love." That's what the Bible says. "And underneath are the everlasting arms." This is your friend Elisabeth Elliot.
.." that is what Elizabeth Elliott used to say every time she opened her radio show "Gateway to Joy." I loved to hear those words from her mouth, to be reminded by her that I am loved continually by God and that there is no end to that love for it is everlasting. Then to top it off, I am held by the everlasting arms of this loving Father. If you are His child then you are too Dear sister!!! If your not his child what are you waiting for? Why not call out to Him today asking for His forgiveness and know that you will receive forgiveness of sins, peace with God, and all the privileges of His children.
"For our sake he made Him who knew no sin to be sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Corinthians 5:21
Think your to far from God or that your sin is to great to be forgiven?
1 John 1:9 reminds us that "If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
You are so loved Sisters!!!! Rejoice and praise Him today for His grace that he lavished on you though you didn't deserve it!!!
My heart yearns for you to know the Love of the Father as I do. It is His love that strengthens me when I'm weary, brings light in the darkest moments, sustains me through dry times, brings joy despite sorrow, gives hope, compels me to obey Him, to follow Him wherever He leads, and encourages me when life is overwhelming. This love is not for me alone, but for you too. He loves you far more then anyone ever could. Perhaps today you are feeling hopeless, exhausted, fearful, anxious, forgotten, unloved, alone, weary, abused and or neglected. Or perhaps you are the one feeling as though you have no love to give, hatred, bitterness, anger, disappointed in those you love, guilt over sin, burdened by your circumstances. Whatever your circumstance, wherever you are at, I want you to know that Jesus grace, mercy, and love are more then sufficient for you and your situation. Listen to Jesus own words:
"Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matt. 11:28-29
Perhaps your reading this thinking He must be speaking those words to others and not you. Let me assure you He was talking to you. Jesus knows all about you, your every thought, and everything you've ever done. Nothing is hidden form Him, He saw it all and yet He loves you beyond measure. His love for you is as far as the east is from the west. Have you ever thought just how far the east is from the west? It is not like a globe circular so that at some point they meet, no it continues beyond what the eye or largest strongest telescope can see or the mind can comprehend, it is limitless going on and on forever. His love for you is so vast that He who alone deserves nothing but praise, glory and honor humbled Himself, though He had the power to wipe out the whole world, and suffered verbal abuse from us mere men, abandonment from everyone even those who were His closest friends and His own Father, and was physically tortured until He died, rising again on the third day. All this for you so that you might be His child someday. Did you know that to the cross He carried your sorrows, bore your griefs, was despised and rejected so that you might be welcomed by God, was scourged beyond recognition for your forgiveness of sins, all this and more so that we might have peace with God (Isaiah 53)? Did you also know that it was the will of the Lord to pour out His soul and die for you? For you my precious sisters!!! Hear the words of the Lord anew today:
"The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love; He will exult over you with loud singing." Zephaniah 3:17
Maybe your thinking but He doesn't know what I've gone through. Doesn't He? His book says that Jesus was tempted in all ways, yet did not sin. Do you think He doesn't understand suffering, or how hard it is to resist temptation? No, He does know and that is why for those who believe in Him He has provided His Spirit so that you to may be able to resist temptation and be overcomers despite your circumstances. Maybe your thinking He doesn't know what it's like to be betrayed by a close friend, a spouse, or a rebellious child. Oh but he does, he suffered it all only by more people then we can fathom for all of the human race are his creation. They are His children and all have turned their back on Him who is the only perfect parent, spouse, and best friend. No, dear sweet sister, He knows your pain and He has been right beside you all along ensuring you'd make it through. Even now He has led you here to remind you of His great love.
"You are loved with an everlasting love." That's what the Bible says. "And underneath are the everlasting arms." This is your friend Elisabeth Elliot.
"For our sake he made Him who knew no sin to be sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Corinthians 5:21
Think your to far from God or that your sin is to great to be forgiven?
1 John 1:9 reminds us that "If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
You are so loved Sisters!!!! Rejoice and praise Him today for His grace that he lavished on you though you didn't deserve it!!!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Just Little o'l Me Processing
Ugh!!! I spent the morning reading a chapter from the book in which I'm supposed to be reading for my class. It took 2 and 1/2 hours for me to read 1 Chapter (approximately 50 pages). Granted there were interruptions and distractions from my four year old so it wasn't a continuous concentrated reading. Nonetheless I was discouraged and frustrated with the length of time it took me to read. I couldn't help but wonder if it takes everyone that long to read or if I'm really a slow reader/comprehender? In my head I know I should not be comparing myself to others and that I definitely should be cutting myself some slack since it's been so long since I've been in school. However I can't help but have all these fears and anxieties about whether or not I'm going to be able to do this. What if I fail...maybe I should have audited instead or taken an easier class? What was I thinking?!? It's to late now for me to be asking those questions, I already jumped into this schooling thing and there is no backing out now. O.k., so I just need to take a deep breath and give it my best effort. When all is said and done I will know that I put every effort into it and that I didn't give up. After all it is just one class and I'm a rooky who's rusty at this.
Not only was there the frustration and discouragement this morning over the time it took me to read one of three chapters that was assigned. But on top of that was the fact that when I finished I had questions running around in my head along with all these thoughts that I needed to process with no time to do so. I had to be somewhere in less then an hour. I had so many thoughts zooming around in my brain I felt like I would explode if I couldn't process through what I was thinking. Therefore I did the only thing I could think of, I quickly jotted down on the nearest piece of scrap paper those things that I most wanted to get back to. Then hopefully later I'd get to spend the needed processing time. I was fortunate to find the time, part of which is just my venting here! Thanks for listening:)
Not only was there the frustration and discouragement this morning over the time it took me to read one of three chapters that was assigned. But on top of that was the fact that when I finished I had questions running around in my head along with all these thoughts that I needed to process with no time to do so. I had to be somewhere in less then an hour. I had so many thoughts zooming around in my brain I felt like I would explode if I couldn't process through what I was thinking. Therefore I did the only thing I could think of, I quickly jotted down on the nearest piece of scrap paper those things that I most wanted to get back to. Then hopefully later I'd get to spend the needed processing time. I was fortunate to find the time, part of which is just my venting here! Thanks for listening:)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Transforming the Bedroom to be a Sanctuary
I had a friend stop over at my house the other day for the first time. I gave her the grand tour of the main floor, but informed her that the upstairs was not in any condition to be seen (it was a mess). She pushed back at me saying we christian women should be more transparent with one another, not trying to wear these hats of perfection but showing what we really are like. I knew she was right, and that it was only my pride that was keeping me from showing her the upstairs. So with the little bit of courage I had I stifled my pride, swallowed hard, and lead the way upstairs. I cringed as I opened each door to my children's rooms, but the one I mostly did not want to show her was mine. As we got nearer and nearer so did my apprehension. I wondered to myself how bad is it? What is she thinking? I imagined in my mind that she was thinking that she had no idea what she was getting into. That she probably thought when I said it was a mess I meant it was a little dusty not piles of books and stuff on my dressers, dirty clothes spilling out the hamper, a bag of gift bags, and a pile of boxes on the floor still from wrapping presents when Christmas was here. The bed was unmade and completely a mess, and the dust was threatening to suffocate everything. I didn't even realize it had gotten as bad as it did until we arrived at the threshold of my room and I really took a look around as if seeing my room for the very first time. Ugh, what happened in here? How could I have let our room get so bad? My pride was crushed, but I thought to myself "she did want me to be real with her, so I'm being real." I wondered if she would ever look the same at me again, but did it matter if she thought better of me then who I am for then it would be a false perception of me. I think in a very real way we all have false perceptions of others, but that is a thought for another discussion...
Her visiting my home and seeing my upstairs as it really was had effected me by waking me up from the lackadaisical attitude I had over the cleanliness of my room. I was reminded of something I had herd Kay Arthur
say regarding the bedroom of a married couple . She had said something to the effect that it was important that the room be a sanctuary for the couple, that it be kept neat, inviting and warm. Wow, as I looked around I could see that my room was not even close:(
So the transformation of the room begins:
Day 1
We decide that we need a bookshelf in the bedroom so we look online at available options and decide on one that was fairly cheap but not to cheap that it would lean to one side. We purchased it but there was no time to put it together.
Day 4
I carefully choose the books from my room that will go on the new book shelf. We have bookshelves in the family room (I know, as I've said before I love to read:) so some go back on them. Some books from the family room go on the new book shelves and before you know it the shelves are organized and I only have a small pile of books on my night stand.
Now to finish cleaning the bedroom. As I said earlier there was a lot of dust, so dusting was first. Everything had to be wiped down. Next I needed to choose what to put back on the dressers, what should be tossed, and what should be placed somewhere else. Finally I changed the sheets and made the bed.
Whew! Our sanctuary is completed!!! The goal now is to keep it clean:)
Day 5
Got up and made my bed and picked up clothes from floor. Good Start:)
Day 6
Made bed around 3p.m. Not what I'm hoping for, but not giving up:)
Day 7
Made bed around 6p.m. Getting worse, but still glad I got the bed made:)
*My prayer is that by the grace of God I will keep up the good intentions of keeping our room a sanctuary for us. How about you? Have you taken a look around your room lately?
Her visiting my home and seeing my upstairs as it really was had effected me by waking me up from the lackadaisical attitude I had over the cleanliness of my room. I was reminded of something I had herd Kay Arthur
So the transformation of the room begins:
Day 1
My hubby rearranges the furniture! I remove the Christmas gift bags and boxes from Christmas and put them away in their proper places. Wow, what a difference a few simple changes make. We're both excited about cleaning up the room and start brainstorming on a solution for all the books were reading.
Day 2
We decide that we need a bookshelf in the bedroom so we look online at available options and decide on one that was fairly cheap but not to cheap that it would lean to one side. We purchased it but there was no time to put it together.
Day 3
We put the book shelf together and decide that it would better fit in the living room. There is no time to fill the shelves today.
Day 4
I carefully choose the books from my room that will go on the new book shelf. We have bookshelves in the family room (I know, as I've said before I love to read:) so some go back on them. Some books from the family room go on the new book shelves and before you know it the shelves are organized and I only have a small pile of books on my night stand.
Now to finish cleaning the bedroom. As I said earlier there was a lot of dust, so dusting was first. Everything had to be wiped down. Next I needed to choose what to put back on the dressers, what should be tossed, and what should be placed somewhere else. Finally I changed the sheets and made the bed.
Whew! Our sanctuary is completed!!! The goal now is to keep it clean:)
Day 5
Got up and made my bed and picked up clothes from floor. Good Start:)
Day 6
Made bed around 3p.m. Not what I'm hoping for, but not giving up:)
Day 7
Made bed around 6p.m. Getting worse, but still glad I got the bed made:)
*My prayer is that by the grace of God I will keep up the good intentions of keeping our room a sanctuary for us. How about you? Have you taken a look around your room lately?
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Just when all hope was lost...
"Hope differed makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12
As the days rolled on my heart grew trusted old friend was gone, maybe lost forever and I had to prepare myself that I may never see my well worn Bible again. Would I be able to break in another Bible in the same way? How long would it take for me to get as familiar with the pages of a new one as I was gasp, did I say was...I mean am with my current one(I must think hopefully). So went the days Mon. no Bible, Tues. no Bible until Tues. night late in the evening after finishing up painting one of the women's bathrooms at church with some friends I glanced at the Women's Ministries Bulletin Board then at the counter and could it be my Bible? Yes, O' dance for joy it was!!! It's found, Hurray!!!

As the days rolled on my heart grew trusted old friend was gone, maybe lost forever and I had to prepare myself that I may never see my well worn Bible again. Would I be able to break in another Bible in the same way? How long would it take for me to get as familiar with the pages of a new one as I was gasp, did I say was...I mean am with my current one(I must think hopefully). So went the days Mon. no Bible, Tues. no Bible until Tues. night late in the evening after finishing up painting one of the women's bathrooms at church with some friends I glanced at the Women's Ministries Bulletin Board then at the counter and could it be my Bible? Yes, O' dance for joy it was!!! It's found, Hurray!!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Loved Beyond Measure
Dear friend,
Do you know that you are the daughter of the King of Kings, that you are loved immeasurably, and that the Lord of the universe takes pleasure in you? That He longs to spend time with you hearing your every thought, your every care, listening to you vent your frustrations, your sorrows or watching you as you joyfully chatter about your day? That this creator God loves you so much that He came to this earth as Jesus who was tempted but never sinned so that you may have victory over sin, suffered so that you might be healed, died in your place so that you may live, and rose the third day all so that you who wanted nothing to do with Him could call Him Abba (Daddy) Father? Your Abba Father is not like an earthly father for your Abba Father will never discipline you in anger, never neglect to discipline you when you need it, His love is constant, His love is perfect, He will never leave you, and He's never to busy for you. Do you know that your Father in heaven rejoices over you not because of anything you've done but just because of what Christ has done for you? Daughter you are precious in His sight sit in His presence tonight and Praise Him for His gift of salvation, for choosing you, for keeping you, for His saving grace and mercy!!!
You are Loved!!!
Do you know that you are the daughter of the King of Kings, that you are loved immeasurably, and that the Lord of the universe takes pleasure in you? That He longs to spend time with you hearing your every thought, your every care, listening to you vent your frustrations, your sorrows or watching you as you joyfully chatter about your day? That this creator God loves you so much that He came to this earth as Jesus who was tempted but never sinned so that you may have victory over sin, suffered so that you might be healed, died in your place so that you may live, and rose the third day all so that you who wanted nothing to do with Him could call Him Abba (Daddy) Father? Your Abba Father is not like an earthly father for your Abba Father will never discipline you in anger, never neglect to discipline you when you need it, His love is constant, His love is perfect, He will never leave you, and He's never to busy for you. Do you know that your Father in heaven rejoices over you not because of anything you've done but just because of what Christ has done for you? Daughter you are precious in His sight sit in His presence tonight and Praise Him for His gift of salvation, for choosing you, for keeping you, for His saving grace and mercy!!!
You are Loved!!!
The Mysterious Disappearance, the Great Sadness and the Amazing feat
This morning I decided I better get working on the Esther Bible Study that I will be facilitating in a couple of weeks. So I got out the study guide we will be using in the class and searched for my Bible, and searched, and searched. I looked everywhere: on my dresser, next to my bed, on the end table, and since church was yesterday in the car. No Bible...sadness...I looked again...still not there. Ugh, all I can think of is perhaps I left it at could I leave my well loved, well marked up Bible behind...woes me. This is a crisis for me. I'm very attached to my Bible, I finally have it broken in. I know where everything is in it...sigh. I had to go over to my book shelf get down the hardly opened, barely marked up, very stiff Bible off the shelf dust it off, and use it instead...long sigh. I sure hope mine is not lost forever and this is only a temporary suffering, sigh.
On another note while I study I like to store my highlighter and pen behind each ear so that I don't misplace them. I had some books on the floor along with a narrow cloth pencil case where I keep my colored pencils for highlighting my Bible. Recently I have purchased colored pencils that you can erase if you change you mind...they are amazing for people like me who often make mistakes. As I was saying I often store these behind my ears and today was no exception. I went to get up from a sitting position and grab my things as I go. As I was bending over the highlighter pencil fell out from behind my ear, bounced on the floor, and flipped in the air dun dahdah dun landing squarely in the pencil bag. Lol, how amazing is that!?! Maybe it's just one of those things you have to see for yourself, but then I'll never be able to reproduce that again...just though I'd share:)
On another note while I study I like to store my highlighter and pen behind each ear so that I don't misplace them. I had some books on the floor along with a narrow cloth pencil case where I keep my colored pencils for highlighting my Bible. Recently I have purchased colored pencils that you can erase if you change you mind...they are amazing for people like me who often make mistakes. As I was saying I often store these behind my ears and today was no exception. I went to get up from a sitting position and grab my things as I go. As I was bending over the highlighter pencil fell out from behind my ear, bounced on the floor, and flipped in the air dun dahdah dun landing squarely in the pencil bag. Lol, how amazing is that!?! Maybe it's just one of those things you have to see for yourself, but then I'll never be able to reproduce that again...just though I'd share:)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
O.k., so I'm trying really hard not to get freaked out over this homework stuff. I have no idea what I'm doing. My first week consists merely of reading two chapters...but as I read I constantly find myself thinking what on earth am I supposed to remember here? It's not that I'm not enjoying what I'm reading because I really am. I'm finding it quite challenging and frankly there is just so much good stuff I keep thinking I'm not going to be able to remember all of it. So what do I need to focus on??? I mean I can't just copy everything down verbatim for notes...can I?!? I'm sure I'll figure this out at some point. I think it's a good problem to have after all it could be a lot worse...the subject and reading material could be boring and dry. Oh man, that would be awful...then I'd struggle with staying awake and concentrating.
As I struggle and fumble through this figuring out how to study my goal is to soak in as much of the essential info. as my brain will let Then pray that the Holy Spirit will bring to remembrance everything I need so that I will pass the class in order that I may utilize the knowledge learned in the future when needed.
In order to reach my goal I'm implementing the strategies I've used to study the Word of God. I have my own unique way of highlighting, underlining, and marking, etc... Some techniques have been learned from precepts and then modified by me for my particular learning bent. I've refined it over the years and I'm sure I will continue to do so. Highlighting and marking helps me tremendously when I want to go back and review. It enables me to go back over and quickly find the essential information. There was a time when I was hesitant and even resistant to mark up my Bible (an expensive book) fearing I'd be marring the crisp white pages. However, I have long gotten over my fears. I now know it's absolutely necessary for me to learn. Another technique I'm using is note taking. For whatever reason my brain just works better/remembers more when I write down what I'm hearing or reading. The problem for me is what does this professor want me to much do I need to concentrate on and the lazy side of me says how little (ah, it's the result of the curse and this flesh of mine that likes the path of least resistance...yes, I confess I like the easy road if I can get away with it...seems like I'm not going to...which is good I know). This is my plan in order to as I said before remember all that I'm reading or atleast what I think is the most important...and well I have all of you (if there is anyone out there reading this) to keep me accountable.
All this to say if I manage to pass this class to God be the glory!!!
I'm wondering if I put anybody to sleep yet?!?! Blogging is's sort of like journaling only there is an audience out there who's going to read every word of what you post...o.k. maybe not every word since...well if your like me if I'm reading something and it's not interesting I skim through it......Oh, well then if no one reads my blog it's just like journaling and well that's safe no one to critique you, lol.
As I struggle and fumble through this figuring out how to study my goal is to soak in as much of the essential info. as my brain will let Then pray that the Holy Spirit will bring to remembrance everything I need so that I will pass the class in order that I may utilize the knowledge learned in the future when needed.
In order to reach my goal I'm implementing the strategies I've used to study the Word of God. I have my own unique way of highlighting, underlining, and marking, etc... Some techniques have been learned from precepts and then modified by me for my particular learning bent. I've refined it over the years and I'm sure I will continue to do so. Highlighting and marking helps me tremendously when I want to go back and review. It enables me to go back over and quickly find the essential information. There was a time when I was hesitant and even resistant to mark up my Bible (an expensive book) fearing I'd be marring the crisp white pages. However, I have long gotten over my fears. I now know it's absolutely necessary for me to learn. Another technique I'm using is note taking. For whatever reason my brain just works better/remembers more when I write down what I'm hearing or reading. The problem for me is what does this professor want me to much do I need to concentrate on and the lazy side of me says how little (ah, it's the result of the curse and this flesh of mine that likes the path of least resistance...yes, I confess I like the easy road if I can get away with it...seems like I'm not going to...which is good I know). This is my plan in order to as I said before remember all that I'm reading or atleast what I think is the most important...and well I have all of you (if there is anyone out there reading this) to keep me accountable.
All this to say if I manage to pass this class to God be the glory!!!
I'm wondering if I put anybody to sleep yet?!?! Blogging is's sort of like journaling only there is an audience out there who's going to read every word of what you post...o.k. maybe not every word since...well if your like me if I'm reading something and it's not interesting I skim through it......Oh, well then if no one reads my blog it's just like journaling and well that's safe no one to critique you, lol.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Book Review: Counsel From the Cross: Connecting Broken People to the Love of Christ
This book is a definite must read for any Christian, but especially for those who are counseling others. Whether you are a friend counseling a friend, a mentor, lay counselor, or a professional counselor this book is for you. The book is well written is theologically sound and has examples of case studies so that you can practically see how the gospel is to be the foundation in counseling. The authors of the book clearly show that the gospel is necessary for saving faith but they don't stop there they also show that it is to be our main focus in the sanctification process. Keeping our eyes always on the gospel will keep us from ending up as the "happy moralist" or from being the "sad moralist". As the authors so aptly put it: "Our ongoing rehearsal of the weight of God's law, the depth of our sin, and the generosity of His mercy should produce within us a 'feeling of communion' with Him, a responsive joy that guards our hearts when either temptation to laxity or temptation to sad moralism calls." This book gets 5 stars plus from me...I highly recommend this book.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Woo hoo!!! I did it!!!
Tonight was the start of my first college class and in anticipation of it my stomach felt as though I've been on a wild roller coaster ride all day. Well the good news is that my stomach and I have survived. In fact even better then just surviving it, I loved it! I loved sitting in the room listening to the prof. speak. I loved learning more about what I'm passionate about. I can't wait to get to the reading and I'm already eagerly looking forward to my next class.
I know there will be many challenges ahead for me. There were moments tonight that I felt as if I don't quite fully understand what the prof. was saying. I'm hoping that the reading I do for the class will clarify the questions I'm left with. Then there's the homework for the class...this will be quite challenging for someone who has been out of school for as long as I have. I'm not at all looking forward to handing in my homework to be graded. When I think about it I'm tempted to dwell on the fact that I have no idea what I'm doing..."oh my, what have I gotten myself into"...O.k. enough of that negative thinking...
"O.k., O.k., how then should I be thinking?" Philippians 4:8-9 reminds me that I should be thinking on what I know to be true . What I know to be true is that God has a calling on my life and as I sought Him earnestly in the matter this is where He has led me. I also know that if God has called me to this then He will equip me. In that I rest, not in my own abilities or lack there of but in the work of the Holy Spirit within me.
My prayer this morning was and will continue to be: "Father, I can not do this without your help. I need Your wisdom, understanding, and discernment. Please help me to remember the things I need to know and filter out those things that would not be pleasing to you. Teach me through the prof. those things you want me to learn and write it in my heart and mind so that I will not forget."
I'm just taking one step at a time keeping one eye on the goal = God's calling on my life and the other eye on the journey = my first class.
On top of the anxiety I was trying to stifle all day over my first class starting there was anxiety about driving in the snow. Driving was definitely an adventure tonight. I think my car fish tailed four times (the good news is I finally got the turn into the direction the car is sliding thing down pat),however I did almost slide right on through a red light. By the time class was over and I reached my car there was already six inches of snow on top of it so the driving home was worse. The traffic was going 25 miles per hour on the freeway in a normally 65 miles per hour zone. The wind was blowing the snow side ways and the visibility was poor. The drifts on the freeway were higher then the floor of my car and all I can say is I prayed, prayed, and prayed. Whew! I made it home safely...and now I'm off to bed. Goodnight!
I know there will be many challenges ahead for me. There were moments tonight that I felt as if I don't quite fully understand what the prof. was saying. I'm hoping that the reading I do for the class will clarify the questions I'm left with. Then there's the homework for the class...this will be quite challenging for someone who has been out of school for as long as I have. I'm not at all looking forward to handing in my homework to be graded. When I think about it I'm tempted to dwell on the fact that I have no idea what I'm doing..."oh my, what have I gotten myself into"...O.k. enough of that negative thinking...
"O.k., O.k., how then should I be thinking?" Philippians 4:8-9 reminds me that I should be thinking on what I know to be true . What I know to be true is that God has a calling on my life and as I sought Him earnestly in the matter this is where He has led me. I also know that if God has called me to this then He will equip me. In that I rest, not in my own abilities or lack there of but in the work of the Holy Spirit within me.
My prayer this morning was and will continue to be: "Father, I can not do this without your help. I need Your wisdom, understanding, and discernment. Please help me to remember the things I need to know and filter out those things that would not be pleasing to you. Teach me through the prof. those things you want me to learn and write it in my heart and mind so that I will not forget."
I'm just taking one step at a time keeping one eye on the goal = God's calling on my life and the other eye on the journey = my first class.
On top of the anxiety I was trying to stifle all day over my first class starting there was anxiety about driving in the snow. Driving was definitely an adventure tonight. I think my car fish tailed four times (the good news is I finally got the turn into the direction the car is sliding thing down pat),however I did almost slide right on through a red light. By the time class was over and I reached my car there was already six inches of snow on top of it so the driving home was worse. The traffic was going 25 miles per hour on the freeway in a normally 65 miles per hour zone. The wind was blowing the snow side ways and the visibility was poor. The drifts on the freeway were higher then the floor of my car and all I can say is I prayed, prayed, and prayed. Whew! I made it home safely...and now I'm off to bed. Goodnight!
Getting Started
Hmmmmm! This is the first entry to my blog. What to write, what to, hm, hm....It seems like I should have something amazing to say but my mind seems to be blank. I guess I will just begin by telling you why I've decided to begin this blog...
Mainly, I guess because I have many things floating around in my head and often feel compelled to write them down so the question might better be why not blog? Another reason is because a friend suggested that I should start blogging. The final reason, I was inspired by the movie Julie and Julia. I never did actually finish watching the movie, but nonetheless it did get me excited about blogging.
So there you have it a nutshell!
Oh, and the name well that's another story and might have to be in tomorrows entry.
Today in a short while I'm off to take my first ever college class...yes, I did say first ever . I'm in my 40's but have never gone to school past the 12th grade. I'm very nervous but excited about this new adventure and will be keeping you up to date as I travel through the lectures, papers, mid terms etc...
Mainly, I guess because I have many things floating around in my head and often feel compelled to write them down so the question might better be why not blog? Another reason is because a friend suggested that I should start blogging. The final reason, I was inspired by the movie Julie and Julia. I never did actually finish watching the movie, but nonetheless it did get me excited about blogging.
So there you have it a nutshell!
Oh, and the name well that's another story and might have to be in tomorrows entry.
Today in a short while I'm off to take my first ever college class...yes, I did say first ever . I'm in my 40's but have never gone to school past the 12th grade. I'm very nervous but excited about this new adventure and will be keeping you up to date as I travel through the lectures, papers, mid terms etc...
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