
Monday, November 15, 2010

Tah dah! It's Finished!

The cabinet that is.  You remember, I shared a picture of it in it's before state with you months ago.  I'm sure you haven't been waiting in suspense to find out how my cabinet has turned out,  but I wanted to share with you the end results anyways.  It's been done for awhile now and I'm happy to say it is definitely a much more efficient cabinet for me!

First thing I did was find a way to create and store files since I don't have a file cabinet in my desk and this has been a source of frustration.  I have been searching for a solution for quite some time and was relieved to finally find one!  What I found was silver wire wracks that are meant for sorting files and or envelopes (I'm sorry I didn't take a picture of them before I filled them up so you could see what they look like).  This worked perfectly and so I bought two of them and put them side by side on the bottom shelf of my cabinet.  Then I easily filled them up with files filled with all of the misc. paper that was previously just shoved in the cabinet.  Now I have a file for every important paper and when I need too I can quickly find what I need.

The second thing I did was use two small wicker baskets (that I had already) one in front of the other to keep my envelopes and mail tidy.

Since I did not have enough drawer space in my desk my next priority was to find containers for my misc. items like tape and batteries.  For this I found two white rectangular CD boxes: one I used for my favorite CD's and one for all the misc. items.  These boxes are really nice and I would like to get more of them.

Next, I needed to organize the kids construction paper, loose leaf paper, misc. cards and note cards etc...  I already had two stacks of three silver trays and so used those to organize all of those items.

Finally, on the top shelf (which you cannot see in the picture) I used a clear plastic container to hold all the misc. pictures and then straightened all the small misc. items.  Not anything spectacular but much nicer then what it had been.

Yes, I did need to purge things too.  I think that was one of the hardest parts, besides the fact that whenever I organize a cabinet or closet I always end up with a greater mess then when I started. Ugh!!!   This is short lived though since things are thrown away and put away etc...

Here is the after picture:

I still struggle with keeping it tidy, after all organization does not come naturally to me.  But generally speaking it has remained much more organized and I can now find the things I need!  

Let me know if I have inspired you to clean out your closet or cabinet that keeps spilling out anytime you open the doors!  I'd love to hear all about it!

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters."  Col. 3:23

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