
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Colors, Markings, Mistakes, and Selfless Love

There is one book that I often feel as though I could highlight every word on the page.  What didn't jump out at me the first time I'd read through it would the second or third time through.  So in this book I have had to resort to more then one color in order to not end up with a solid yellow page.  What is this book you ask?  It is my Bible, and it is marked up with underlining, highlighting, circled words, and a few symbols.  It might look like a mess to the casual observer but these have all helped me tremendously.  I still remember the day I received my Bible as a gift from my husband.  The pages were crisp and white and I was afraid to make a mark on the pages. I feared making mistakes and marking something only to change my mind later.  I have long since gotten over my fear and yet I have made mistakes a long the way.  I have found myself studying when I was tired and actually put wrong symbols over words.  I've gotten a little to happy with the highlighter going into a sentence I didn't mean too.  I started circling words that I thought were key to the sentence then after doing it one way 1/4 of the way in my Bible I changed my mind about the key word:)  I've gotten quite creative trying to cover up my mistakes, lol.  Sometimes I don't even try to.  I'm sure if anyone else were to read through my Bible they'd struggle to make sense out of all my markings in it.  But that doesn't matter to me, what matters to me most is that when I pick it up and read through the pages I quickly see at a glance those things that have impacted me to the core of my being.  It is my style, it is eclectic, and it has brought depth and insight when studying.

I've shared all this with you because if you haven't started marking in your Bible already I want to encourage you to not be afraid to do so especially when a verse or word jumps out at you and grabs your attention or heart.  You may want to ask others how they mark theirs or if your brave you can peek at mine, and then just start doing it.  Don't worry about doing it perfectly, or do it perfectly if that's your nature but do it (just do it according to your learning style and if you refine what that is a long the way that's o.k.  That's what I'm continually doing).  It's your Bible and it's God's Word, it's powerful, living and sharper then a two edged is everything you need for life and gives hope...renews your mind...transforms your thinking...points to Christ.  I can never get enough of it, never exhaust all there is to learn from it, and every time I pick it up I see something new in it.

Here are some suggestions of possible ways to mark your Bible (remember you should do whatever works best for you and your learning style, not someone elses). O.k.grab your Bible and let's get started open up to the gospels and start marking every time you see Jesus name or reference to Him with a cross (can be red or I just use black pen.  Precepts encourages you to use different colors and symbols when marking words but for my slightly ADD mind I find the colors too distracting)...or highlight Jesus words (if your Bible doesn't already), or highlight those verses or words that jump out at you and grab your attention such as references to grace.  But whatever method you choose to do make sure to observe Jesus, the words He speaks, the methods He uses to get truth across, the way He speaks to those who try to establish their righteousness from the law (pharisees), the way He speaks to sinners, His responses to those who are in need.  Don't get caught up in the method of study, but get caught up in the One you are studying about.

Take some time today reflecting on who you once were (dead in your sins, dust) and who you are now (still dust, but forgiven and loved) because of what Jesus has done for you (died in your place to pay your debt in full).  Jesus knows you through and through; He knows where you've been, He knows where you are today, and He knows what you will become.  He know you more then you know yourself and He loves you anyways.  His love is sure, His mercies new each day, and His grace is greater then your sin.  Run to Him who loves you purely precious daughters, and do not hide your faces, instead look into His radiant face and feel the warmth of His love envelop you.  Remember He knows all about you and He loves you anyways.  Sit in His presence today and thank Him for His selfless love and then share His love with others.

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