Abundant Life
If this is your first day here you may want to read here first
Day 15 - The Greatest Intercessor
It was sometime later that I came across another verse: Luke 22:31-32 "Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. 32 But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” It was as if I had read it for the very first time. I thought how could I have never seen that before! It was then that I realized that just like Christ interceded for Peter long before He ever sinned so Jesus was for me. As I thought on that I was completely amazed and humbled at the thought. Could it truly be that Christ has been and is interceding for my past, present, and future sins? Not only that, but for my restoration and future purposes? Yes! It's completely possible. After all He is God and He knows all the days ordained for me. In fact He ordained them. He even knows in advance when I will screw up and He loves me anyways and has already been interceding for me! Wow! That brings me to my knees in humble adoration. I cannot fully comprehend such love...Thank-you Jesus!!!
Maybe your thinking that it's great He carried me, but He doesn't care about you and your circumstances. Maybe you are even thinking He has forgotten about you or just simply doesn't care. You are not alone in that. When Lazarus was sick Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus, but He did not hurry there to heal him. Instead He said to those around Him, “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it”(luke 11:4). When Jesus finally arrived Lazarus had been dead already for four days. Both Martha and Mary blamed Jesus for Lazarus death saying (vs 21,32) “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.” Then in verses 33-36 it says this: "Therefore, when Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who came with her weeping, He groaned in the spirit and was troubled. 34 And He said, “Where have you laid him?” They said to Him, “Lord, come and see.” 35 Jesus wept. 36 Then the Jews said, “See how He loved him!” The Reformation Study Bible Notes says this about that: The outward expression of sorrow did not leave Jesus unmoved. He shed tears (v. 35) in sympathy for the bereaved. (Read Luke 11 for full context). So you see Dear One, that when His children weep Jesus is not unmoved! When we weep He weeps and He is very near to us!
Someday your trials will pass, meanwhile through the pain, cling to what you know to be true about God! Don't let the enemy of your soul try and convince you that God does not care about you or what your facing and that you deserve it all. Do you know why? Because truth betold none of us deserve anything other then eternal punishment and seperation from God forever. But God has provided a way for us to live with Him in intimate fellowship as dearly beloved children. If you missed the blog where I expalined that in more detail you can go here to read about it.
Praying for you! That you will, press on, not give up, Keeping your eyes fixed on Jesus not your circumstances and someday you will be able to say as the psalmist:
If this is your first day here you may want to read here first
Day 15 - The Greatest Intercessor
He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God
through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them."
Hebrews 7:25
There was a time when I first became a Christian that while hanging out with other Christians at some event or another I would linger not wanting the time to come to an end. Why? Because I'd have to go home and at that time it was not a peaceful place to be. When I was home and alone in my prayer closet (usually the shower) I'd fall to the floor of the bathtub weeping as water would cascade over me praying " Lord, no one knows how hard it is here, does anyone really care, is anyone remembering to pray for me or when they go home are they just going on with there lives?" Yes, It was a pitty party! But here is the beauty of it - God was gracious to me anyways and through the Holy Spirit showed me in His Word the above verse. That's when I realized even if everybody did go home and forget about me I had the greatest intercessor ever. Jesus Christ Himself, the one who knows all things, was continually interceding for me before the Father!
For further study on Jesus intereceding see John 17. In chapter 17 Jesus prays for the disciples and then when He get's to verse 20 He prays for us too :“I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word"
Dear One, do you feel as though you have been forgotten? Do you wonder if anyone cares about all that you've been through or are going through? Do you wonder where God is in all of the pain and trials you are facing? Oh Dear One, He knows, He cares, and He has not forgotten you!!! When you cry into your pillow at night or fall to your knees in the shower weeping He hears, He's there, He's got His arms around you, and He weeps with you. Know this - He does not rejoice in your suffering!!! Nor does He delight in it!!! Know also that if He does not deliver you out of your trials, He will carry you through them! I know because He carried me for years!
Someday your trials will pass, meanwhile through the pain, cling to what you know to be true about God! Don't let the enemy of your soul try and convince you that God does not care about you or what your facing and that you deserve it all. Do you know why? Because truth betold none of us deserve anything other then eternal punishment and seperation from God forever. But God has provided a way for us to live with Him in intimate fellowship as dearly beloved children. If you missed the blog where I expalined that in more detail you can go here to read about it.
"Those who sow in tears Shall reap in joy." Psalm 126:5
Praying for you! That you will, press on, not give up, Keeping your eyes fixed on Jesus not your circumstances and someday you will be able to say as the psalmist:
"You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have
put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness,"
Psalm 30:11
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