Abundant Life
If this is your first day here you may want to read here first
Day 25 - Being Teachable
"let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance—"
Proverbs 1:5
Just in case you have not read the about me section or this is your first time here I just want to say again that I am no theologian! I'm just an ordinary woman who is in love with Jesus and desires to know Him in deeper and deeper ways. I love His Word because when I read it, I am transformed by it. I'm not the same! Oh, believe me it does not happen instantly. Though I wish it did (as does my family, I'm sure). Instead it takes time! It takes perseverance! It takes a surrendered heart! It takes a humble heart! I'm a work in progress - I'm not who I was, but I am not where I need to be yet. I know a lot more about the depth of Christ's love and I understand His Word in deeper ways then I did as a new beleiver, but I have a long way to go yet. Please forgive me if there is error in what I write...Lord, keep me from writting error or from being a stumbling block! May those who read this blog only remember that which is of You, God! I'm no theologian, just an ordinary woman!
I'm also no English major! In fact I struggled in English! I'm not a "writer", but I do write. I write because the Lord puts messages in my heart, and a passionate desire to share them. I write in fear and trembling! One reason is because as aluded to above I don't want to say anything unbiblical. Another reason is because I have friends who excelled in English and I feel as though I probably slaughter it. I can just picture my friends cringing at my grammar mistakes as well and my long run on sentences.
The fact that I am producing one blog post a day, means that I have far less time to be thorough. I have less time to study and prepare and less time to agonize over the grammar (yes, grammar is painful for me...I just never really understood it...). It also, means there are many times that I go back and look over a post with some regret or another. Wondering if I should make corrections or just leave it alone. Mostly I leave it.
I share all this because well, I want you to check what I say against the entire counsel of the Word of God! That's what I do when I'm reading or listening to another! Then if you read something that you think is inacurate I am inviting you to share that with me. I want to be teachable and/or sometimes I can be thinking acurately, but it may have come across differently...that whole grammar thing again. If you share with me my errors it will help me to get better. Just one little side note please say it gently...
"Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the
righteous and they will add to their learning."
Proverbs 9:9
Hey! That just gave me a thought! You could always try a guest post here! I'd love to have others contribute. Not that I have a huge following, not at all! But you could get your feet wet so to speak. Just a thought! If interested you can reply back to this post.
...I was going to blog about holiness today, but this just got to long. So it will have to wait until tomorrow!
Thank-you Jesus for Your grace and mercy!
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