31 Days
Abundant Life
If this is your first day here you may want to read here first
Day 4 - What it's not
Day one and two were about the beginning of the abundant life in Christ. Day three we diverted a little so that I could share briefly my heart with you about how I have experienced the abundant life despite painful trials. Today I want to begin to share how I believe you walk in the abundant life or experience the abundant life.
One thing I have thus far neglected to share with you is that all the commentaries that I have read on John 10:10b say the same thing. They all say that the abundant life refers to our present life as well as eternal life (future). That means that Jesus who was victorious over death, who created all things, who healed the sick, the blind, the demon possessed, and who has resurrection power! That Jesus, has said He has come so that we might have abundant life and have it now. If He said it, then it is absolutely possible! Right!?! Then my question is why don't most of us experience that abundant life? Why is it that so many Christians are living defeated lives and walking around miserable?
Perhaps it's because we have misguided ideas about what it means to live the Christian life. Oh intellectually we may know the truth, but somehow in wanting to get it right we get it so wrong.
Below are two ways in which I believe we get it wrong:
Some Christians think that being a Christian means following a bunch of rules. The rules can very from person to person and from church to church. People can work so hard at becoming rule keepers that in the process they lose their first love, Christ. Or they become so disheartened and decide that the Christian life is just to hard. Many of these rules are extra-Biblical. A side effect of a rule keeper is that they are miserable, they try to get others to conform to their rules, and they judge how holy others are based on how well they keep those rules. These are the same people who judge how holy you are based on the clothes you wear and whether or not you have any tattoos, etc...
On the other hand some people (both Christian and non-Christian) focus on grace. They simply do whatever they want to do assuming that they are "good enough" with God because they prayed a prayer once. They are at the other end of the spectrum sinning away and thinking it's o.k.
I'm going to leave with you two Scriptures to ponder on and we will flesh these out more tomorrow. (My hubby wants to take me on a date so I've got to go!!! :)
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