Abundant Life
Day 7 - In His Presence
" It was very early in the morning and still dark. Jesus got up and left the house.
He went to a place where he could be alone. There he prayed."
Mark 1:35(NIRV)
"But Jesus often went away to be by himself and pray."
Luke 5:16 (NIRV)
Have you ever thought about the fact that Jesus often went off by Himself to pray? If Jesus who is God found it important to be alone with God in prayer, how much more should we? I am convinced that if you and I want to live an abundant life in Christ we need to run to God with everything! Our joys, our sorrows, and even our needs.
In a book called "The Practice of the Presence of God" Brother Lawrence wrote about how he daily and moment by moment sought to practice the presence of God while doing mundane work such as washing the dishes (his daily job). Did you pick up on that? It was in the mundane every day tasks that he sought God! I want to be more and more like that! After all, I know that the more I pray the more peace I have in my life. I also know that when I pray God hears and answers! It may not always be what I want, but He does answer. He either says yes, wait, or I have something better! And I also know that through prayer I am changed!
However, I don't know about you, but to often I am self reliant. It's just to
easy to not think about God when things are going well. Of course the
opposite is true too! When things are hard I am very quick to run to
Him. Oh, intellectually I know that being self reliant is a very
dangerous place to be, yet I find my nature just naturally does it.
Because prayer in all things does not come naturally to me I find that I have to make conscience choices to spend time in prayer. Some people write it in on their schedule. If you are a schedule kind of person, by all means do that! If you are a sticky note kind of person (my style) do that. Whatever you need to do to remind yourself to pray in all circumstances, do it! You may want to copy the below verse and put it on a sticky note on your headboard or bathroom mirror so that from the time you get up in the morning you are reminded to pray! But don't just read and memorize the verse do it, more and more!
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and
petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6
For those of you who might be thinking "that's great but I don't know how." Here is a simple acronym to help you (this is not the only way to pray, but it is one way to do it):
The word is ACTS = Adoration Confession Thanksgiving Supplication
Adoration = Praise - that means you simply praise God for who He is
Confession = Involves agreeing with God about your sin & repenting - turning from it
Thanksgiving = Thank God for what He has done for you. Think of (10) things every day, morning & night
Supplication = This is where you ask God for what you want or need.
Another way to pray is to take Scripture and place your name or anothers name in as the who in the verse. Or of course you could pray the praise verses in the book of Psalms to God. To pray for others using scripture see the example below:
"I pray to the God of our
Lord Jesus Christ. God is the glorious Father. I keep asking him to give
you (Suzie) the wisdom and understanding that come from the Holy Spirit. I want
you(Suzie) to know God better."
also pray that your (Suzie's) mind might see more clearly. Then you (Suzie) will know the
hope God has chosen you (for her) to receive. You (Suzie) will know that the things God’s
people will receive are rich and glorious. 19 And
you (Suzie) will know His great power. It can’t be compared with anything else.
It is at work for us who believe. It is like the mighty strength 20 God showed when he raised Christ from the dead."
Ephesians 1:17-20
The words/name in parentheses was added in to show you how you could add a friends name or your own. FYI Suzie is a fictitious name.
Dear sweet sister, know that God wants to hear from you. He wants to be the most important one in your life. If He is then you will make every effort to make Him a priority in your day! So then, no matter the situation you are facing today talk to God about it! Whether it's simply getting kids off to school, making dinner, or it's a problem at your job. He wants you to pour out your heart to Him! Then when you do, hold all the things you pray about with open hands and a surrendered heart to God's will! Just like Christ did in the garden right before His crucifixion."
Jesus prayed three times:
"Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, 'My Father,
if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”
Matthew 25:39 (see also vs 42,44)
Lord, we want to pray always and in all things, help our lack of prayer! Amen
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