
Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 1 - The Beginning

Today is day one of of my blogging about the abundant life.  If this is your first day here you may want to read my intro. about the 31 days series here.

Day 1
Life Abundant Starts Here

It starts at the beginning!  If you want to experience the abundant life you have to start at the very beginning.  After all if we skip the first step, the abundant life is impossible. 

Let's take a look at that verse again:

"I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."

                                                          John 10:10b (NKJV)

Verse 10 says:  " I have come" and that begs the question who?  Who has come?  If you would look back to verse 7 of John chapter 10 in a Bible you would quickly discover that the who is Jesus.   So we could read John 10:10 like this:  Jesus has come that they may have life, and that they may have it abundantly." 

It's important to know the who, or the source of this abundant life.  It's also important to note that without Christ we cannot experience that abundant life.  You might be asking yourself how do I know that.  Well I believe it's true because the Bible (which I believe are the very Words of God) says it.

Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Then in John 20:31 Jesus says, "But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name."

Just as important as it is to know that it is Jesus who gives abundant life it's also important to know that He gives it to those who believe in Him!  Therefore we can conclude that the very beginning to abundant life is to know and believe in Jesus.  Maybe your thinking, "who?" Or "whatever, He was just some prophet".  Or maybe your thinking  "yeah, yeah, I have heard His story many times and well nothing has changed in my life so why should I listen to you?" Please, give me a chance!  Meet me here each day as I pour out my heart and share pieces of my story with you about who I was and what Jesus has done for me as well is doing for me!  Perhaps when we have finished the 31 days you will know Christ, know Him in deeper ways, and Lord willing you will have begun to experience the abundant life in Him.

Maybe your thinking, "yeah, I know Christ died for my sins, let's move on with it."  As a result you may be tempted to quickly skim through the gospel message anxious to get to the doing.  Then let me challenge you to not be so quick!  After all Christ is the very foundation of your faith and the gospel is your motivation to obey.   So, no matter where you are at today I pray you will look at Jesus and His story with fresh eyes over the next 31 days.

Take some time and think on the above scriptures, dwell on them, and let them settle in your mind and heart.  Then ask God to show you what He wants you to know in regards to them.  Tomorrow we will take a look at deeper look at the gospel message. 

Meanwhile, know that I am praying that you will be able to remove the walls you may have built up against the gospel because of what you've been taught, the hardships you faced, or the hypocrisy you've seen in others.

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