
Friday, October 8, 2010

Inexhaustable Grace

The old familiar feeling is overwhelming me in the pain,
          threatening to utterly engulf me once again.

Why is there a delectableness in the bitterness,
          that causes me to immerse myself within it's ugly clutches?

I wallow here as I am pulled along,
         it's sweet taste transposed to rancid dung.

It courses through my veins,
        at every encounter causing pain.

Inward I have flown,
         I feel so alone.

To my knees I plummet,
        open hands raised high heaped with the pain and needs unmet.

Turning my expectant eyes upward I look Jesus fully in His glorious face,
         As I place my hope in His redeeming grace.

His compassionate eyes meet mine as here I linger,
       "I've been waiting for you " He gently whispers.

Then my soul is overcome with His inexhaustible grace,
       His love coursing through my veins emanating through my face.

Praise to Him who alone satisfies every longing heart,
       surrender is our part.

In the crucible of His fiery test,
       victory is assured for those who in Him find rest.


  1. This is great. Did you write it. I'd like to share it on my blog if that's ok

  2. Thank-you! Yes, it was written as I was going through it into sweet grace:)! You may share it just be sure to give me credit!

    I checked out your blog, it looks like we share some common interests. Our respect for Elyse Fitzpatrick being one of them!

  3. Thank you for letting me share Kim. I have it up on the blog now and I am sure others will be blessed
