It's hard for me to watch someone I love in a lot of pain. I'm not referring to physical pain (though that's hard too), but emotional pain. I'm the kind of person who would do anything I could to help ease anothers pain, especially if that person is someone I love. One of the hardest lessons I'm learning is that though I can try and comfort someone with the same comfort I have received through personal suffering it won't help them if they refuse it. If I can not remove their pain, and they refuse to hear and receive my attempts to comfort them then what am I to do?
I find myself in this helpless place right now and these are some of the lessons I'm learning which are not in any particular order (many of these have been passed onto me by others and some I'm learning at deeper and deeper levels):
First: I'm not anyone's Savior, my job is to simply point them to Jesus. The first time I herd this statement it hit me like a ton of bricks across my forehead. Duh! Yes, of course! What freedom and peace there is when I remind myself that Jesus is the only one who can heal the deep hurts within each of us. "I, even I, am the LORD, And besides Me there is no savior" Isaiah 43:10-12.
Second: "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink." In other words I can point them to Christ, point out or remind them of there need for Him (even as a believer), and tell of His great love and the peace found in Him. But no matter how hard I try I can't make them believe or receive the hope found in Him alone.
Thirdly: I can pray for them. Often I tend to feel like prayer is somehow second best, after all I should be doing something shouldn't I? So when I've exhausted all my own resources and I'm left with nothing but prayer I can sometimes feel as if though I've given up and I'm not really doing anything. When the truth of the matter is that prayer is essential, since we can do nothing on our own apart from God. Another struggle I find I have in prayer for others is that of discouragement. Especially when I've prayed hard and for a long time and still have not seen any answers. When that happens I am tempted to think why even bother. That's when I cling to scriptures like these: 2 Corinthians 5:7 "For we live by faith not by sight" and Galatians 6:9 "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
Fourth: I must not trust my own feelings and emotions. The only trustworthy source is God's Word and the truths found within. My emotions lead me all over the place in my thoughts and none of it is healthy. If I were to let my emotions get the best of me I would crawl into bed and never get out. Therefore I must not act on my emotions, or for that matter think on what they are saying to me (dwelling on them feeds them). Instead I need to run to God's Word immersing myself in the comfort and truths found there.
Fifth: When in the midst of a trial I need to seek comfort within scripture by immersing myself in it and reminding myself of the truths of the gospel and God's sacrificial love for me. That His love is constant, He is in control, He is trustworthy, and that He will carry me through everything He has allowed me to face. Not only will He carry me through He will also work it out for my good.
Sixth: That no one can steal my joy unless I let them. This one I find I have to remind myself over and over again since my first reaction to others ongoing pain and bitterness is my joy quickly disappears and is replaced with discouragement and fear. But I don't have to stay there. When I remind myself that they cannot steal my joy, that is the first step needed in remaining joyful despite of others. The reason I (and you too) can have joy despite the attitudes and actions of those around me is that Joy is not like happiness. Happiness is conditional, it is based on circumstances or how people make us feel. Joy on the other hand can dwell within a person despite circumstances and others. I'm not saying that I'm not sad when facing trials, what I am saying is that despite the pain and sadness I feel there remains a deep abiding joy based on the hope I have in Jesus. “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full." John 15:11
Seventh: I must surrender my loved ones to Christ. I can't keep holding onto them with one hand while trying to give them to Christ with the other. I must completely release them with both hands to Him, and not take them back. As often as I find myself worrying and anxious about them I need to hand them over again. After all He loves my loved ones far more then me and His love is not like mine, since mine can at times be conditional and self serving. While His love is never conditional, it's sacrificial, and it is always concerned about what is best for the other.
Eighth: The value and benefit of gratitude. No matter how difficult or painful things may be or seem I always have plenty of reasons to give thanks to God. Even if the only thing I can come up with is thanking Him for my salvation. That when I practice being thankful even for those people who cause me pain, or difficult circumstances I find that my attitude changes toward them too. When I'm tempted to complain and to be bitter the best solution is for me to practice gratitude.
Ninth: Listen to and sing praise music! No matter how downcast I feel when I stretch my arms up high singing praises to Jesus soon I feel my spirit lifting too. I know of nothing that does a better job of correcting my wrong depressed thinking along with renewing and strengthening my faith.
Perhaps you are going through a trial today too. Yours may not be the same as mine, in fact maybe you are like my loved one who is suffering deep emotional wounds. Perhaps God has brought you here to read this because He has some things for you to learn within your trial. Or maybe God has taught you something else that was not on my list. If so and either way I'd love to hear what God is doing in your life.
Lord, Thank-you for your unfathomable love, for your abundant grace, and your patience with me and my sisters in Christ. Thank-you also for your great wisdom in perfectly knowing what trials you would need to allow in order that I and they might participate in and better comprehend Jesus suffering. Thank-you also for protecting us from those trials that would crush us. Lord, help me and my sisters in Christ to completely trust you with our lives. To allow you access to every part of who we are, and to be willing to be transparent with one another. Help us Lord, to remember that we are nothing apart from you, and the only good we do is because of you working in us. Lord, I cannot comprehend why You who were without sin would come down from heaven to suffer obscene insults, rejection from your children and bride, barbaric physical abuse, and the Father turning His back on you and pouring out His wrath on you all for me, for us?!?! You took the punishment we deserved! And why? Not because we are worthy, but simply because of your love! What love is this? I cannot comprehend it and I am overwhelmed as I recall it! Jesus, thank-you for your grace, for your love, and for your sacrifice!!!
"But those that hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:30-31
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Got the Morning Blues?
My sister-in-law shared this blog by Justin Taylor on her fb page (Thank-you Sis!). I found that I could not resist clicking on it to read it. I'm so glad I didn't!!! The Author Taylor so simply and succinctly shares 6 simple truths form God's Word to remind yourself of when you wake up in the morning or anytime of day. This week in the wake of a great tragedy, I really needed to be reminded of these truths! For when you really reflect on these six truths you will find your perspective changed and your day will be lighter!
Got the Morning Blues? If you do, no matter what time of day it is be sure to click on this link highlighted in red.
Life is hard but God is good, good all the time!!! Blessings, my dear sisters!
Got the Morning Blues? If you do, no matter what time of day it is be sure to click on this link highlighted in red.
Life is hard but God is good, good all the time!!! Blessings, my dear sisters!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
HOPE in the Midst of Tragedy
In the wake of the tragic death of a young woman who've I've known since she was a young girl, I look to the one thing that consoles my heart. That one day when I see Christ face to face all the pain, sorrow, and evil of this world will be a dim memory. It all will pale in comparison to being in the presence of Jesus for all of eternity! Today I grieve, grieve over the tragedy of her death and for the family that's left behind. But though I grieve I have an eternal hope too! The image of this young woman that keeps flooding my mind is from when she was just a young girl with freckles and a bright but somewhat shy smile. I can't help but think that is how she looks now as she dances before Jesus.
But I feel the weight of what it brings, and the hurt that trys to grab
The many trials that seem to never end, His word declares this truth,
that we will enter in this rest with wonders anew
But I hold on to this hope and the promise that He brings
That there will be a place with no more suffering
There will be a day with no more tears, no more pain, and no more fears
There will be a day when the burdens of this place, will be no more, we'll see Jesus face to face
But until that day, we'll hold on to you always
I know the journey seems so long
You feel you’re walking on your own
But there has never been a step
Where you’ve walked out all alone
Troubled soul don’t lose your heart
Cause joy and peace he brings
And the beauty that’s in store
Outweighs the hurt of life’s sting
I can’t wait until that day where the very one I’ve lived for always will wipe away the sorrow that I’ve faced
To touch the scars that rescued me from a life of shame and misery this is why this is why I sing
There Will Be A Day
Jeremy Camp
from the album Speaking Louder Than Before
I try to hold on to this world with everything I haveBut I feel the weight of what it brings, and the hurt that trys to grab
The many trials that seem to never end, His word declares this truth,
that we will enter in this rest with wonders anew
But I hold on to this hope and the promise that He brings
That there will be a place with no more suffering
There will be a day with no more tears, no more pain, and no more fears
There will be a day when the burdens of this place, will be no more, we'll see Jesus face to face
But until that day, we'll hold on to you always
I know the journey seems so long
You feel you’re walking on your own
But there has never been a step
Where you’ve walked out all alone
Troubled soul don’t lose your heart
Cause joy and peace he brings
And the beauty that’s in store
Outweighs the hurt of life’s sting
I can’t wait until that day where the very one I’ve lived for always will wipe away the sorrow that I’ve faced
To touch the scars that rescued me from a life of shame and misery this is why this is why I sing
Monday, November 15, 2010
Tah dah! It's Finished!
The cabinet that is. You remember, I shared a picture of it in it's before state with you months ago. I'm sure you haven't been waiting in suspense to find out how my cabinet has turned out, but I wanted to share with you the end results anyways. It's been done for awhile now and I'm happy to say it is definitely a much more efficient cabinet for me!
First thing I did was find a way to create and store files since I don't have a file cabinet in my desk and this has been a source of frustration. I have been searching for a solution for quite some time and was relieved to finally find one! What I found was silver wire wracks that are meant for sorting files and or envelopes (I'm sorry I didn't take a picture of them before I filled them up so you could see what they look like). This worked perfectly and so I bought two of them and put them side by side on the bottom shelf of my cabinet. Then I easily filled them up with files filled with all of the misc. paper that was previously just shoved in the cabinet. Now I have a file for every important paper and when I need too I can quickly find what I need.
The second thing I did was use two small wicker baskets (that I had already) one in front of the other to keep my envelopes and mail tidy.
Since I did not have enough drawer space in my desk my next priority was to find containers for my misc. items like tape and batteries. For this I found two white rectangular CD boxes: one I used for my favorite CD's and one for all the misc. items. These boxes are really nice and I would like to get more of them.
Next, I needed to organize the kids construction paper, loose leaf paper, misc. cards and note cards etc... I already had two stacks of three silver trays and so used those to organize all of those items.
Finally, on the top shelf (which you cannot see in the picture) I used a clear plastic container to hold all the misc. pictures and then straightened all the small misc. items. Not anything spectacular but much nicer then what it had been.
Yes, I did need to purge things too. I think that was one of the hardest parts, besides the fact that whenever I organize a cabinet or closet I always end up with a greater mess then when I started. Ugh!!! This is short lived though since things are thrown away and put away etc...
Here is the after picture:
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters." Col. 3:23
First thing I did was find a way to create and store files since I don't have a file cabinet in my desk and this has been a source of frustration. I have been searching for a solution for quite some time and was relieved to finally find one! What I found was silver wire wracks that are meant for sorting files and or envelopes (I'm sorry I didn't take a picture of them before I filled them up so you could see what they look like). This worked perfectly and so I bought two of them and put them side by side on the bottom shelf of my cabinet. Then I easily filled them up with files filled with all of the misc. paper that was previously just shoved in the cabinet. Now I have a file for every important paper and when I need too I can quickly find what I need.
The second thing I did was use two small wicker baskets (that I had already) one in front of the other to keep my envelopes and mail tidy.
Since I did not have enough drawer space in my desk my next priority was to find containers for my misc. items like tape and batteries. For this I found two white rectangular CD boxes: one I used for my favorite CD's and one for all the misc. items. These boxes are really nice and I would like to get more of them.
Next, I needed to organize the kids construction paper, loose leaf paper, misc. cards and note cards etc... I already had two stacks of three silver trays and so used those to organize all of those items.
Finally, on the top shelf (which you cannot see in the picture) I used a clear plastic container to hold all the misc. pictures and then straightened all the small misc. items. Not anything spectacular but much nicer then what it had been.
Yes, I did need to purge things too. I think that was one of the hardest parts, besides the fact that whenever I organize a cabinet or closet I always end up with a greater mess then when I started. Ugh!!! This is short lived though since things are thrown away and put away etc...
Here is the after picture:
I still struggle with keeping it tidy, after all organization does not come naturally to me. But generally speaking it has remained much more organized and I can now find the things I need!
Let me know if I have inspired you to clean out your closet or cabinet that keeps spilling out anytime you open the doors! I'd love to hear all about it!
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters." Col. 3:23
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Do You Want to Say “No” to Jesus’ Touch? | CCEF
Do You Want to Say “No” to Jesus’ Touch? | CCEF
This blog post by Winston Smith, a biblical counselor and faculty member of CCEF so aptly shows how shame and pride causes us to want to hide even from Christ. And it challenges us to consider the fact that we cannot clean ourselves and must allow Christ to do it for us. The first step being acknowledging just how filthy we have become.
I couldn't help but cringe as I read the story Smith shared in his post. My face contorting at the shame and misery the man must have felt. Along with the anguish Smith was feeling as he came upon the gentleman lying helplessly there. I could feel the mixed emotions both men were experiencing, both knowing what must be done. Both realizing it was a filthy stinking mess that could not get cleaned up on it's own. The one trying to maintain the personal dignity of the other, and wanting to remove the shame. The helplessness of Smith to completely remove that shame the other was feeling. The two men changing the subject and talking about anything else (I must admit made me chuckle a bit, in a knowing way).
I could relate to this article since at times I have felt as though my sin was as awful as that filthy mess, being afraid to go to the Father with it. And yet, as Smith so clearly points out in this article the only way to remove the shame is to allow Jesus to clean me thoroughly.
Check out the post yourself and let me know what you think!
This blog post by Winston Smith, a biblical counselor and faculty member of CCEF so aptly shows how shame and pride causes us to want to hide even from Christ. And it challenges us to consider the fact that we cannot clean ourselves and must allow Christ to do it for us. The first step being acknowledging just how filthy we have become.
I couldn't help but cringe as I read the story Smith shared in his post. My face contorting at the shame and misery the man must have felt. Along with the anguish Smith was feeling as he came upon the gentleman lying helplessly there. I could feel the mixed emotions both men were experiencing, both knowing what must be done. Both realizing it was a filthy stinking mess that could not get cleaned up on it's own. The one trying to maintain the personal dignity of the other, and wanting to remove the shame. The helplessness of Smith to completely remove that shame the other was feeling. The two men changing the subject and talking about anything else (I must admit made me chuckle a bit, in a knowing way).
I could relate to this article since at times I have felt as though my sin was as awful as that filthy mess, being afraid to go to the Father with it. And yet, as Smith so clearly points out in this article the only way to remove the shame is to allow Jesus to clean me thoroughly.
Check out the post yourself and let me know what you think!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Shedding Labels
Yesterday, I was having a conversation with someone who shared with me that they are a very driven person. I laughed and told them that I am the complete opposite of them, I am lazy. They were surprised at what I had said, and had thought that I too was a driven person. I was astonished at their response and simply said then it is by the grace of God and His work in me.
I walked away in disbelief, me driven. No! I'm lazy! I've always took the easiest road and if I can get out of doing work I will. Driven??? Me?!? How could that be? When did that happen? And obviously it did not carry over into every area of my life. No, not me! On and on went this conversation in my head until I spoke with a friend. I told her what was said to me. She said she agreed with their assessment and then proceeded to share with me why she thought so too.
I received what she said and began to realize that this lazy, slow, quitter, slightly ADD, messy, disorganized, forgetful, never on time woman was starting to shed some labels. I realized that I have worn these labels on me like a heavy suit of armor and they had weighed me down holding me back from change. Now realizing that one section of armor was less heavy or noticeable has given me a renewed hope. I am changing! It also made me think about how my focus has been on all the ways those labels still fit, when instead it should be on the ways in which the labels are falling off as God works His character in me.
If God can change me to be driven in some areas of my life then He can do it in every area. In other words if I can be driven when it comes to serving Him in the church then I can be driven (In a healthy balanced way) when it comes to cleaning the toilets in my home too!!! A new hope has taken root in my heart and mind and it's not going to stay there if I go back to focusing on how heavy that armor of labels is and how impossible it is to shed them. In fact I need a new label one that is light and replaces all others, one that is rooted in truth, and one that is given by my Father in heaven...
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things has become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17
New Creation! The old has passed away! Yes, I love it! What an awesome label! I am a new creation and so are you when you believe in Jesus! What an awesome truth! What comfort! Already I feel so much lighter! How about you?
For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Philippians 2:13
Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6
Hurray, it is not up to me! I certainly have tried, only to fail again and again. Praise God it is Him working in me as I cooperate with what He is doing.
But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:56-58
What comfort these words are to my ears! What hope! Thank-you Jesus for loving us so!!!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Voices of the True Woman Movement (Chapter 3)
Hey! Welcome back! I wasn't sure I'd have the time to sit and chat with you today about the book, but I do have a small window of time. Today we are on chapter 3. The author/speaker is Mary Kassian and the title is "you've come a long way, baby!" You might recognize this well known slogan from the 1960's Virginia Slims cigarette ads. These ads were aimed at women and showed black and white pictures of women from before the women's movement alongside colored pictures of a more independent modern woman. Kassian lays out for the reader the details of one ad after another until soon you find yourself thinking what were the women in that day thinking. Somehow they thought life would be easier and more rewarding if they had a high stress job, a long with having to cook, clean, and take care of the kids? Really???
As I pondered through all this I started to get angry and point fingers at the women of the 60's, when all of a sudden I felt a yank at my soul. Then the memories came back like a flood. I remembered how I too went after things that I thought I wanted because I thought they would give me more happiness, more pleasure, and more satisfaction. When someone would try and warn me by saying, "hey, don't go that way you'll get hurt." I would laugh at them and think they don't know what they are talking about, besides girl's just want to have fun! When they tried to tell me that the only way to find those things I was looking for was to follow Jesus, I'd feel a tugging at my soul for a moment, but then I would brush it off. I wanted to live for myself. What I didn't know then, I quickly discovered later. That those things I was running after would not bring me the happiness I was seeking but instead cause me more pain then I would have ever imagined. And today I'm still reaping the consequences of those choices. If only I would have listened to the few who tried to warn me, but then I can't look back. I can only look up fully into the face of Jesus my Redeemer.
I've truly come a long way! I'm not the same person I once was, nor am I yet who I want to be! That's why I'm so grateful for the mentors I have in in my life, for God's Word the Bible, and for books like this one. They challenge my thinking and correct the errors of it. Even if as in this case it was pride and a sense of self righteousness in an area. I guess what I'm saying is we are all human, we all are born with the sin nature that tugs at our souls to sin. Without Christ it's the only voice we hear and so we go after those things that do us more harm then good, as if pulled by a strong magnetic force. What is our only hope? To cry out to Jesus!!! To beg for His mercy and forgiveness, and to plead for His wisdom and understanding!!!
When I fell on my face and cried out to Jesus I confessed to Him that I had sinned against Him by disobeying His laws and by rejecting Him, and He completely forgave me. I have been walking with Him ever since. He didn't fix all my problems, as many of you know. What He did do is walk with me through every difficulty I faced as He still does today. My life is better, not because circumstances are better, though some are. My life is better because I know Jesus and that is all that I ever needed!!!He rocks my world like nobody else can!!!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Voices of the True Woman Movement (Chapter 2)
Hi, welcome back! I can't wait to share with you my thoughts about Chapter two. Do you have your cup of coffee or tea? Good! Let's get started. Yesterday we herd from John Piper, today it is Nancy Leigh DeMoss. Nancy begins the chapter with a few verses from Romans 11.
Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments, and how inscrutable are His ways! "For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor? "Or who has ever given a gift to Him that He might be repaid?" For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.
Romans 11:33-36
DeMoss does an excellent job of providing for the reader the context for these verses. But she doesn't stop there, she goes beyond that providing a way for you to visualize the meaning in such a way that gives it a richness it might lack without. In other words the way in which she helps the reader to better understand the verse gives the verse more punch or more power. Here is the last paragraph or so with her setting the scene so that we might better understand this passage:
"So in a trek not unlike our Jeep ride in the Colorado mountains, in the first eleven chapters of his epistle to the Romans, Paul scales higher and higher through the astounding mysteries of God, weaving his way through one difficult passage after another. At the end of chapter eleven he finally reaches the summit, where he can look back down over the path he has taken. He pauses to take in the awesome view beneath and around him: the sovereignty of God, His electing mercy and grace, His eternal plan for the ages."
"And as Paul pauses to contemplate it all, he is suddenly struck speechless. Words fail to explain the view...and Paul...breaks out into a hymn of praise, like crashing cymbals in the finale of a symphonic masterpiece."
"Oh, the Him be the glory forever."
I don't know about you, but that just gives me chills and brings tears to my eyes! These very verses, DeMoss sets up for us as the foundation for knowing what it means to be a true woman of God. In fact she believes it "provides the framework and context for our lives as women." It all starts with "Oh, the depth..." And don't we view those words now in a new light!
"Oh the depth of the riches...of God"
DeMoss says the riches of God are deeper then we could ever fathom, they are limitless, and immeasurable. Deeper then our limitations and problems. Some of His riches being His kindness, forbearance, and patience (Romans 2:4). The riches of His glory (Romans 9:23). And the riches of His grace (Romans 1:7-8).
"Oh the depth...of the wisdom and knowledge of God."
In regards to God's wisdom and knowledge De Moss says "God knows everything-and everything about everything."
Stop and ponder that for awhile. He "knows everything-and everything about everything"...So, then is there anything about your life or mine that He doesn't know? No, He knows it all! Every worry, every difficulty, everything you or I have done, everything that has been done to us, every joy, every sorrow, every fear, everything!
DeMoss beautifully wraps up her thoughts about the depths of His wisdom and knowledge with this: "And regardless of how complex, convoluted, or impossible your situation may seem or actually be right now, the wisdom of God is much more than adequate to walk you through it."
I could stop right there and just rest in that for today. How about you? But then you would miss out on the rest of the chapter. So let's continue our discussion...
After DeMoss has solidified in our minds the depth of the riches of God, His wisdom, and knowledge she goes on to talk about how He is beyond knowing...not that we can't know Him, but that we will never really know Him until we see Him face to face since right now our understanding is limited by our finite minds.
"How unsearchable are His judgments and how inscrutable His ways."
DeMoss gives the definitions of the words unsearchable and inscrutable so that you have a greater understanding and appreciation of what those words mean. She spends time breaking this apart for the reader. If you want to know more you will have to read it for yourself. There is so much that she has written I'd love to share with you if I could. There is one paragraph from this section that I must share with you in regards to your circumstances in life: "But you can be assured that God doesn't make mistakes. He has an eternal purpose in mind-a plan for the display of His glory throughout all the universe. He is working out that plan, and you are a part of it. You don't have to know what He is doing. Or why. The fact is, He knows. And that's all that really matters. And if you trust Him, in time, you will thank Him for the treasures that have resulted from those trials. "
Again I could stop right there. Aren't those words filled with hope and comfort! But we have not made it yet to the end of the chapter and the summation of her thoughts. And because time is getting away from me I cannot share with you all of her thoughts on "all things" being from God, and "through Him", and "to Him
DeMoss explains that it is within the context of knowing all this about God that as women we will "find refuge",it "will bring us comfort", "courage", and "conviction in our calling as women."
From what I have shared what do you think? Have you found courage, comfort, and/or hope in these words? I may not have done them the justice they deserve. You may want to get a copy of this book and read it for yourself. If you do be sure to let me know your thoughts about it.
Nancy finishes this chapter with three simple applications for every Christian woman. Here they are without the descriptions:
1) "A true woman lives a God-centered life."
2) "A true woman trusts God."
3) "A true woman says yes, Lord."
Are you able to say yes, Lord! The only way to true joy is to utter those words and mean them!
Tomorrow we will take a look at chapter three by Mary Kassian. See ya tomorrow!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Voices of the True Woman Movement (Chapter 1)
I was at the first True Woman conference and it truly was an amazing time! I walked away challenged, stretched, and blessed. It's amazing though to me how quickly we can forget what we see and hear. Especially those of us who were not born with photographic memories. Which is me! The excitement from being at the conference can quickly begin to fade the minute we re-enter our worlds. Whether it's home to take care of the kid's or back at work on Monday morning. That's why I was completely excited to be given this opportunity by the Staff of True Women to read their book and blog about it. Strange how we can get off to a good start with great intentions and then completely fail. Well I may be off schedule but I plan to follow through on my commitment to blog about the book. Especially since it's a great book that is sure to inspire more growth in mine and maybe your Christian walk, and it would correct any erroneous thinking on my part.
I've read two chapters already, but will only divulge my thoughts on chapter one for today. So let's begin, go grab yourself a cup of coffee then come back and sit with me while I will share with you what I've learned...
I love that Piper also spoke directly to single woman with this very poignant statement: "even though marraige is meant to display the glory of Christ, there are truths about Christ and His kingdom that shine more clearly through singleness than through marraige." That is something I've not spent time pondering on, but I can totally see how this is true!
I leave you with the last sentence Piper spoke: "your womanhood-your true womanhood-was made for the glory of Jesus Christ!"
I've read two chapters already, but will only divulge my thoughts on chapter one for today. So let's begin, go grab yourself a cup of coffee then come back and sit with me while I will share with you what I've learned...
Got your coffee? O.k. great, Let's begin. Chapter one is titled "the ultimate meaning of true womanhood" and is from John Piper's message at the conference in 2008. Oh and did I mention there was over 6,000 women from 48 States and a total of 7 countries were at this conference? Amazing hey? Back to the book... The title alone causes one to ponder what John Piper will say next, doesn't it. Oh, don't worry when you read this chapter you will discover that he does a great job of doing that along with stirring you to "embrace your highest calling". Don't you just love how those words inspire to read more....
Piper goes on to state that he believes "wimpy theology makes wimpy women". Do you agree with that? I've pondered that myself. Well let me share with you what he says about that, but I can't tell you all of it. You'll have to read the book for yourself. Piper first started out by sharing the real stories of many women who did not have wimpy theology. Women like Marie Durant a French Christian from the seventeenth century who was arrested because she was a protestant. If she would have renounced her faith she would have been set free, but she would not. She died in that prison thirty eight years later. Some others mentioned were Gladys and Esther Staines, Joni Eareckson Tada, and a few others. He shared the stories of these women to prove that the reason they lived victoriously through extremely difficult circumstances was only because they had a firm grip on who their God is and His plans and purposes for this world. Piper said "God's ultimate purpose in creating the world and choosing to let it become the sin-wracked world that it is, is so that the greatness of the glory of Christ could be put on display at Calvary where He bought His rebellious bride at the cost of His life." And that "the ultimate purpose of creation and redemption is to put the glory of Christ on display in purchasing and purifying His bride, the Church." That is purifying you and me if you know Him. How cool is that!!! This all leads us to as Piper says "the mind-boggling truth that womanhood and manhood -femininity and masculinity- belong at the center of God's ultimate plan." Are you getting the connections yet? I know with Piper you really have to chew on what he says sometimes. Well here is his point in a nutshell God chose to show and display His love to and for us through the marraige relationship of a man and a woman. Sound familiar yet? Ever herd a pastor say the church is the bride of Christ? O.k., so here's the point without women we would not be able to even come close to understanding this. In other words as Piper says of womanhood "it is a distinctive calling of God to display the glory of His Son in ways that would not be displayed otherwise if there were no womanhood." Are you starting to embrace your femininity yet? Well it will take more time for some then others. Keep reading I promise you won't be disappointed. Be sure to get yourself a copy of the book too!
Piper's final words to the married is simply that "marraige is meant to display the covenant keeping love between Christ and His church. And the way it does this is by men being men and women being women in marraige." He also address submission briefly too but you will have to read that part yourself.
I love that Piper also spoke directly to single woman with this very poignant statement: "even though marraige is meant to display the glory of Christ, there are truths about Christ and His kingdom that shine more clearly through singleness than through marraige." That is something I've not spent time pondering on, but I can totally see how this is true!
This chapter is only 7 pages long, but with anything Piper writes or speaks it is very meaty and you will come away with lots to chew on. You will also feel inspired to embrace your true womanhood and find out more about what that means. Hopefully you'll have a pretty good idea about that by the time I finish sharing with you what I'm learning. But don't just take my word for it or Piper's, grab your Bible and see if what's been said lines up with scripture says.
Beef and Gravy
mushrooms (fresh or canned)
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 cup milk
1 tsp. Garlic powder
Salt and pepper to taste
Optional: onions
In slow cooker combine mushroom soup, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Cook 5-6 hours on low. The beef should be falling apart tender and the sauce should be very rich tasting. I can never make enough of the gravy for this one, it is just so savory the family always gobbles it up!!!
Serve with mashed potatoes or buttered noodles, green beens, and crescent rolls. Enjoy!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Inexhaustable Grace
The old familiar feeling is overwhelming me in the pain,
threatening to utterly engulf me once again.
Why is there a delectableness in the bitterness,
that causes me to immerse myself within it's ugly clutches?
I wallow here as I am pulled along,
it's sweet taste transposed to rancid dung.
It courses through my veins,
at every encounter causing pain.
Inward I have flown,
I feel so alone.
To my knees I plummet,
open hands raised high heaped with the pain and needs unmet.
Turning my expectant eyes upward I look Jesus fully in His glorious face,
As I place my hope in His redeeming grace.
His compassionate eyes meet mine as here I linger,
"I've been waiting for you " He gently whispers.
Then my soul is overcome with His inexhaustible grace,
His love coursing through my veins emanating through my face.
Praise to Him who alone satisfies every longing heart,
surrender is our part.
In the crucible of His fiery test,
victory is assured for those who in Him find rest.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
His Love is Eternal
Sometimes life is inexplicably hard and it may at times feel like everyone is against you. Did you know that there is Someone who will never abandon you, One whose love will never turn cold, and One who will never leave you or forsake you? In His Word we can read of His enduring love and commitment to those who are His. Such as:
"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deut. 31:8
"I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." Psalm 91:2
"What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?" Romans 8:31-32
Praise God, His love is constant! His grace abundant! and His mercies new each morning!!!
"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deut. 31:8
"I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." Psalm 91:2
"What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?" Romans 8:31-32
Praise God, His love is constant! His grace abundant! and His mercies new each morning!!!
Grace Lavishly Poured Out on Us
I did it again! I can't believe it!:( I forgot to acknowledge an important day for a beloved family member. Ugh! Why does this always happen to me! I want to remember and acknowledge peoples birthdays, anniversaries, etc...I really do!!! I don't purposely try to forget. I have even gone so far as buying cards in advance. Only to find them still sitting in a drawer months after the fact. Often my automatic physical reaction to discovering that I blew it once again is throwing my palm to my forehead, folding over in agony, along with contorting my face. "Why can't I be like so and so, she never forgets important days?" Questions like this torture my soul, as I can't help but beat myself up. Fear and anxiety build from within as I ponder what the would be recipient is thinking of me. Then I find myself questioning God. "Why am I made like this?" "Why do I forget things, important things?" "It's not just birthdays it's appointments, it's things like what did I do yesterday kinds of things. Ugh!!!!"
Then God whispers to me "(I, God have) created (your, Kim) inmost being; (I have) knit (you) together in (your) mother's womb. (You, Kim are) fearfully and wonderfully made; My works (you) are wonderful (Psalm 139:13-14)
"Me???? God? Just the way I am? Wonderfully and fearfully made? Me? How could that be?"
God in His mercy continues to whisper to my soul "(Your) frame (Kim) was not hidden from (Me) when (you were) made in the secret place. When (you, Kim were) woven together in the depths of the earth, (My) eyes saw (your) unformed body. All the days ordained for (you) were written in (My) book before one of them came to be"(Psalm 139:15-16)
"Even my brain God? You knew in advance my limitations? Yet, You made me anyways??? Even the hard places Lord? You knew about the hard places too??? You ordained them Lord??? Even my failures??? If only I could forget Lord! What? You don't want me to forget? You want me to remember, remember just like the Israelites were to remember how you delivered them out of their bondage??? To tell them to my children, to let them know how amazing Your abundant grace and forgiveness are. I think I'm beginning to see Lord."
Then after He so gently reminds me of how He knitted me together and formed me the way that I am, how precious I am to Him, and how He redeems my past He then whispers more life giving truths to my soul:
"Does the clay say to the potter, 'What are you making?' Does your work say, 'He has no hands'? Woe to him who says to his father,' 'What have you begotten?' or to his mother, 'What have you brought to birth?'
(Isaiah 45:8-10)"
"You are right God, how can I question You, my Maker for how you have made me? Help me Lord, when I want to beat myself up by reminding me time and time again that I am wonderfully and fearfully made!!!"
What about you dear Sisters? Are you like me, frustrated at times with how God has made you? Do you find it hard to say as the Psalmist that you are fearfully and wonderfully made? Do you really know that God loves you even with your limitations? That He loves you with a lavish love?
If you Dear sister, have believed that you are a sinner (fallen short of God's holy standard), believed that Jesus lived, died, and rose again the third day, paying your debt so that you might live forever with Him. Then Dear Sister Jesus rejoices over you!!! You are His friend (John14:15), you are His child (Ephesians 1:5), you cannot be separated from His love, ever (Romans 8:35-39), He will complete the work He has begun in you (Philip 1:6), You are hidden with Christ in God (Colo. 3:3),and you can do all things through Christ who will strengthen you (Philip. 4:13). All this and so much more is true when you are His! And you too will be able to say as Isaiah did: (just put your name in the blank)
"O LORD, You are (my) Father. (I,_____ am) the clay, You are the potter; (I, _____ am) the work of your hand." (Isaiah 64:8)
Thank-you Jesus, for your grace and mercy, for your intimate knowledge of who I am and my dear sisters. Thank-you that we don't have to pretend to be something we're not with you! That you love us, limitations and all. Thank you that when we are at our weakest and confess our weaknesses to You, You are then able to show Yourself strong to others through us. Thank-you that when we fail others whether intentionally or not your grace is sufficient, and that when we confess to them and You our sins are completely forgiven by You. Whether or not those we have hurt ever do. Jesus we have never known such a love as yours, never felt so accepted as we do with You! Thank-you!!! We can not understand why You should love us so, but we embrace it as the most precious thing in all the world that we could ever receive." Amen
Let us rejoice today in the work of the Father's hand (the work He is doing in us, though not perfected yet), be humble and confess our short comings to those we've let down, and breathe a sigh of relief that though others may or may not forgive us God does!
Then God whispers to me "(I, God have) created (your, Kim) inmost being; (I have) knit (you) together in (your) mother's womb. (You, Kim are) fearfully and wonderfully made; My works (you) are wonderful (Psalm 139:13-14)
"Me???? God? Just the way I am? Wonderfully and fearfully made? Me? How could that be?"
God in His mercy continues to whisper to my soul "(Your) frame (Kim) was not hidden from (Me) when (you were) made in the secret place. When (you, Kim were) woven together in the depths of the earth, (My) eyes saw (your) unformed body. All the days ordained for (you) were written in (My) book before one of them came to be"(Psalm 139:15-16)
"Even my brain God? You knew in advance my limitations? Yet, You made me anyways??? Even the hard places Lord? You knew about the hard places too??? You ordained them Lord??? Even my failures??? If only I could forget Lord! What? You don't want me to forget? You want me to remember, remember just like the Israelites were to remember how you delivered them out of their bondage??? To tell them to my children, to let them know how amazing Your abundant grace and forgiveness are. I think I'm beginning to see Lord."
Then after He so gently reminds me of how He knitted me together and formed me the way that I am, how precious I am to Him, and how He redeems my past He then whispers more life giving truths to my soul:
"Does the clay say to the potter, 'What are you making?' Does your work say, 'He has no hands'? Woe to him who says to his father,' 'What have you begotten?' or to his mother, 'What have you brought to birth?'
(Isaiah 45:8-10)"
"You are right God, how can I question You, my Maker for how you have made me? Help me Lord, when I want to beat myself up by reminding me time and time again that I am wonderfully and fearfully made!!!"
What about you dear Sisters? Are you like me, frustrated at times with how God has made you? Do you find it hard to say as the Psalmist that you are fearfully and wonderfully made? Do you really know that God loves you even with your limitations? That He loves you with a lavish love?
If you Dear sister, have believed that you are a sinner (fallen short of God's holy standard), believed that Jesus lived, died, and rose again the third day, paying your debt so that you might live forever with Him. Then Dear Sister Jesus rejoices over you!!! You are His friend (John14:15), you are His child (Ephesians 1:5), you cannot be separated from His love, ever (Romans 8:35-39), He will complete the work He has begun in you (Philip 1:6), You are hidden with Christ in God (Colo. 3:3),and you can do all things through Christ who will strengthen you (Philip. 4:13). All this and so much more is true when you are His! And you too will be able to say as Isaiah did: (just put your name in the blank)
"O LORD, You are (my) Father. (I,_____ am) the clay, You are the potter; (I, _____ am) the work of your hand." (Isaiah 64:8)
Thank-you Jesus, for your grace and mercy, for your intimate knowledge of who I am and my dear sisters. Thank-you that we don't have to pretend to be something we're not with you! That you love us, limitations and all. Thank you that when we are at our weakest and confess our weaknesses to You, You are then able to show Yourself strong to others through us. Thank-you that when we fail others whether intentionally or not your grace is sufficient, and that when we confess to them and You our sins are completely forgiven by You. Whether or not those we have hurt ever do. Jesus we have never known such a love as yours, never felt so accepted as we do with You! Thank-you!!! We can not understand why You should love us so, but we embrace it as the most precious thing in all the world that we could ever receive." Amen
Let us rejoice today in the work of the Father's hand (the work He is doing in us, though not perfected yet), be humble and confess our short comings to those we've let down, and breathe a sigh of relief that though others may or may not forgive us God does!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Blogs, Missed Opportunities??? and Happy Surprises
Daily I receive emails from a blog called True Woman I had signed up for the blog after I had attended a True woman conference. It was one of the best Christian conferences for women I have ever had the privilege of attending. I left that conference with my head and heart filled with the love of Jesus and an increased desire to live my life for Him in the way He originally had purposed for us women.
I must admit that though I loved the conference and respect Nancy Leigh Demoss tremendously, at times I have neglected to read the emails that I have received from them. Usually it's because of time, "I only have so much time in the day after all" I'd tell myself. At other times I must selfishly admit the title just hasn't captured my attention. But then there are other times...times when I have been totally drawn in...even responding myself to them.
Recently a month or so ago was one such time. I had received an email saying that they were looking for women who would be willing to read a new book that Nancy Leigh Demoss had written. All that they required was that I be willing to blog about it. I thought, I could do that! In fact I'd love to do that! So I signed up submitting my blog and email address. Days had passed by and I had not herd from them, so of course I had thought I wasn't picked for this amazing opportunity.
Then one day as I came in from outside I glanced over at my desk, there sat a pile of mail. On top of the mail was a small box. I opened that box and to my surprise there was the book. The whole house shook as I literally did a happy dance in my kitchen. "Woohoo!!! They picked me! I can't believe it!!!" "I'm so happy oooh, I'm so happy, ooh, I'm so happy!!!" Fortunately no one was around to see this sudden eruption of joy. Just me and my cat:)
Today is your introduction to this new book I'm reading. The name of it is "Voices of the True Women Movement
." It is written by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and some of the contributors to the book are John Piper, Mary Kassian, Joni Eareckson Tada, and Janet Parshall. If your like me, after you have herd these names you are anxious to dig into the book. However now that I've wet your appetite for what the book is about you will have to wait until tomorrow to hear more...
I must admit that though I loved the conference and respect Nancy Leigh Demoss tremendously, at times I have neglected to read the emails that I have received from them. Usually it's because of time, "I only have so much time in the day after all" I'd tell myself. At other times I must selfishly admit the title just hasn't captured my attention. But then there are other times...times when I have been totally drawn in...even responding myself to them.
Recently a month or so ago was one such time. I had received an email saying that they were looking for women who would be willing to read a new book that Nancy Leigh Demoss had written. All that they required was that I be willing to blog about it. I thought, I could do that! In fact I'd love to do that! So I signed up submitting my blog and email address. Days had passed by and I had not herd from them, so of course I had thought I wasn't picked for this amazing opportunity.
Then one day as I came in from outside I glanced over at my desk, there sat a pile of mail. On top of the mail was a small box. I opened that box and to my surprise there was the book. The whole house shook as I literally did a happy dance in my kitchen. "Woohoo!!! They picked me! I can't believe it!!!" "I'm so happy oooh, I'm so happy, ooh, I'm so happy!!!" Fortunately no one was around to see this sudden eruption of joy. Just me and my cat:)
Today is your introduction to this new book I'm reading. The name of it is "Voices of the True Women Movement
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
From one "Stepmonster" to Another
I know it's been awhile since I've last posted. I've had a busier week then normal and to be honest no real inspiration floating around in my head. Until yesterday and yet there was no time to post then so I'm hoping I'll remember it all today....
A week ago I had gone to my local public library and was heading to check out my books when I passed a rack of books that were being highlighted. A title on one of the books seemed to jump right out at me. The name of the book was Stepmonster
by Wednesday Martin Ph.D. That title pulled me in like a powerful magnet and I was yanked from my intended destination to the book as if there was a force pulling me. You see, I am a stepmother and I'm quite sensitive to the fact that so much of what is written in fiction is negative when referring to stepmothers. In fact the same is true for what is produced in Hollywood. I can think of only two movies that are positive in regards to stepmoms and one of which was a remake of the other . Those movies are: Yours, Mine, and Ours
(1968) with Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda and the newer version Yours, Mine & Ours (Widescreen Edition)
(2005) with Dennis Quaid and Rene Russo. Which by the way my husband and I really enjoyed both films. Everybody remembers The Parent Trap
(1998) with Lindsay Lohan, Natasha Richardson, and Dennis Quaid, right? Some of you like myself might even remember the original movie The Parent Trap
(1961) starring Hayley Mills and if your like me, you enjoyed when the step-mom to be was revealed to not be as nice as she was pretending to be and the relationship was ended. Thereby making it so the twins parents could get back together. It did make for a hilarious movie after all, and a happy ending. And who could possibly ever forget Cinderella
? Every child knows the Cinderellla story well. Everyone roots for her and everyone celebrates when she overcomes her circumstances and rightly so. It is unfortunate that these movies and stories have portrayed a sometimes true picture of step-moms. That children have had to suffer because of poor choices their parents have made in picking a spouse is truly unfortunate. The children really do not have a say in who their parent marries and many fool themselves into thinking that the children will come around. Many don't, that is an unfortunate fact.
As I was saying this books title drew me to it and as I picked it up I quickly determined that it was not at all what I thought it was going to be about. It was not a fictitious book aimed at unhappy teenagers giving them more ammo to throw at their step-moms. No on the contrary this was a book written by a stepmom and written for stepmoms. The subtitle reveals a lot about the focus of the book: "A New Look at Why Stepmothers Think, Feel, and Act, the Way We Do. In the Authors own words "I wrote this book about women with stepchildren, for women with stepchildren, because being a women with stepchildren is not easy. E. Mavis Hetherington, PhD psychologist and author of the landmark, three decade Virginia Longitudinal Study of 1,400 families that divorced and remarried, notes that whereas children frequently come to appreciate having a stepfather...the situation with stepmothers is more difficult and stepchild resentment is more intense...reporting with some surprise that so many of her subjects described their stepmothers as 'evil, malevolent, wicked, or monsters' and gave them nicknames like 'Dog Face' and 'The Dragon,' Hetherington concludes, stepfathers rarely encountered this level of vitriol."
The Author goes on to explain the purpose of her book stating: "This is not a book about how I learned my lesson or won my stepkids over or became a better person by marrying a man with children. My reality like that of the women with stepchildren I interviewed, is not so nearly cut-and-dried. This is not a book about how to change yourself or how to act in order to be a better stepmother. I have learned that there is no recipe for success, no single 'right way.' Rather, my goal has been to synthesize and distill some of the less readily available studies and insights from experts...I also have sought to suggest some alternative lenses through which to view stepmothers and stepmothering..."
I love her honesty and humility!!! She is not pretending to have all of the answers and she is not promising to guaranty a happily ever after perfectly blended and harmonized step-family. There are so many factors involved and you as the stepmom are only one part of the whole picture. How freeing is that dear stepmoms?!!! We mom's carry the whole weight of how the family is functioning on our shoulders don't we?! We have been told the mom determines the mood of the home etc...So who, do you suppose feels like a failure when it is not going as it ought to? You got it mom!!! Mom/Stepmom is weighed down, discouraged, and often taking the blame or trying to free herself of the blame, guilt, and shame by pointing at everyone else and how they are making her miserable. I would like to suggest neither is a healthy place to be.
The healthier place to be is having realistic expectations about your stepchildren, your children (if any), your spouse, yourself and what a healthy step family looks like. Unrealistic expectations that I have of others and myself always rob me of my joy and I'm pretty sure they do for you as well. When the expectations are unmet they also have a tendency to cause us to become angry and bitter. Of course it's important to clarify that they are unmet because they are unrealistic, but then we don't always know that they are unrealistic until someone comes a long and frees us from them. This book which I've only just begun has already done that for me.
Let me just add that this is not a Christian book written from a Christian perspective. If you have a problem with that, then this book is definitely not for you. I have already read things within the pages that I as a Christian must not agree with and neither should you. You will not be reading about our hope in Christ and how He transforms hearts and minds here. But what you will read is studies done on step families, real struggles real stepmoms have faced, and the fear every stepmom has of being seen as "wicked" in the eyes of their step kids. But as the book points out this just may be inevitable since it's more rare to have a step child honestly love you or even like you. And from conversations I've had with grown up stepchildren this may not happen until the child reaches adulthood. Though that too is rare as my mind wanders back to a conversation I overheard one day at the YMCA...a 50 something woman was complaining about how horrible her stepmom was. I also would like to mention that there are a lot good stepparenting books that have been written from a Christian perspective that have been helpful to both me and my husband and I will highlight some of them at the end of this review.
Maybe it all comes down to who do I need to affirm me as a person? Is it my parents, my spouse, my children, my friends, my boss, etc... Or is it true that the only opinion that matters for the Christian is what does Christ think of me? Wow, that's a loaded question...He who know the hearts of men, he who knows my every thought, my every deed...future, present, and past! What does He think of me: that I'm dust, was once dead (utterly helpless) in my sins and trespasses, without hope. That I do the things I don't want to do and don't do the things I want to, I'm selfish and self centered, and often to self focused. Actually others no matter how bad they think of me really don't think bad enough for they don't really know me and I wonder how much I actually know me:) Since the only good that I do is the work of Christ in me and is not me at all!!! Why should I be offended then when anyone thinks less of me. I'm so glad that God sees me through the eyes of Christ, a precious daughter, righteous, washed and cleaned because of what He has done for me. It is Jesus' opinion that matters above all others and His opinion just has to be enough.
One other thing to note, just in case some of you who are reading this are not in a stepfamily situation but are in an unhappy marraige. You might at times be tempted to think that you would be better off with someone else. Maybe you look at so and so's husband and think it would be great to have him as a husband and dad. Let me add this, the grass is not usually greener on the other side. Statistics are not that great for first marriages anymore but they are even worse for second especially when children are involved. Listen to What Wednesday Martin says in her book about this: "My marraige was meant to be. It was also doomed to fail. You see, I chose a man with children...the greatest predictor of divorce is the presence of children from previous marraige. In fact divorce rates are 50 percent higher in remarriages with children than in those without."
Let me just add that though there is a lot of good information in the blended families book I have recently learned that step-families don't blend. It's more like oil and water. That was another expectation that I had to learn to let go of and really wish someone had told me right from the beginning.
A week ago I had gone to my local public library and was heading to check out my books when I passed a rack of books that were being highlighted. A title on one of the books seemed to jump right out at me. The name of the book was Stepmonster
As I was saying this books title drew me to it and as I picked it up I quickly determined that it was not at all what I thought it was going to be about. It was not a fictitious book aimed at unhappy teenagers giving them more ammo to throw at their step-moms. No on the contrary this was a book written by a stepmom and written for stepmoms. The subtitle reveals a lot about the focus of the book: "A New Look at Why Stepmothers Think, Feel, and Act, the Way We Do. In the Authors own words "I wrote this book about women with stepchildren, for women with stepchildren, because being a women with stepchildren is not easy. E. Mavis Hetherington, PhD psychologist and author of the landmark, three decade Virginia Longitudinal Study of 1,400 families that divorced and remarried, notes that whereas children frequently come to appreciate having a stepfather...the situation with stepmothers is more difficult and stepchild resentment is more intense...reporting with some surprise that so many of her subjects described their stepmothers as 'evil, malevolent, wicked, or monsters' and gave them nicknames like 'Dog Face' and 'The Dragon,' Hetherington concludes, stepfathers rarely encountered this level of vitriol."
The Author goes on to explain the purpose of her book stating: "This is not a book about how I learned my lesson or won my stepkids over or became a better person by marrying a man with children. My reality like that of the women with stepchildren I interviewed, is not so nearly cut-and-dried. This is not a book about how to change yourself or how to act in order to be a better stepmother. I have learned that there is no recipe for success, no single 'right way.' Rather, my goal has been to synthesize and distill some of the less readily available studies and insights from experts...I also have sought to suggest some alternative lenses through which to view stepmothers and stepmothering..."
I love her honesty and humility!!! She is not pretending to have all of the answers and she is not promising to guaranty a happily ever after perfectly blended and harmonized step-family. There are so many factors involved and you as the stepmom are only one part of the whole picture. How freeing is that dear stepmoms?!!! We mom's carry the whole weight of how the family is functioning on our shoulders don't we?! We have been told the mom determines the mood of the home etc...So who, do you suppose feels like a failure when it is not going as it ought to? You got it mom!!! Mom/Stepmom is weighed down, discouraged, and often taking the blame or trying to free herself of the blame, guilt, and shame by pointing at everyone else and how they are making her miserable. I would like to suggest neither is a healthy place to be.
The healthier place to be is having realistic expectations about your stepchildren, your children (if any), your spouse, yourself and what a healthy step family looks like. Unrealistic expectations that I have of others and myself always rob me of my joy and I'm pretty sure they do for you as well. When the expectations are unmet they also have a tendency to cause us to become angry and bitter. Of course it's important to clarify that they are unmet because they are unrealistic, but then we don't always know that they are unrealistic until someone comes a long and frees us from them. This book which I've only just begun has already done that for me.
Let me just add that this is not a Christian book written from a Christian perspective. If you have a problem with that, then this book is definitely not for you. I have already read things within the pages that I as a Christian must not agree with and neither should you. You will not be reading about our hope in Christ and how He transforms hearts and minds here. But what you will read is studies done on step families, real struggles real stepmoms have faced, and the fear every stepmom has of being seen as "wicked" in the eyes of their step kids. But as the book points out this just may be inevitable since it's more rare to have a step child honestly love you or even like you. And from conversations I've had with grown up stepchildren this may not happen until the child reaches adulthood. Though that too is rare as my mind wanders back to a conversation I overheard one day at the YMCA...a 50 something woman was complaining about how horrible her stepmom was. I also would like to mention that there are a lot good stepparenting books that have been written from a Christian perspective that have been helpful to both me and my husband and I will highlight some of them at the end of this review.
Maybe it all comes down to who do I need to affirm me as a person? Is it my parents, my spouse, my children, my friends, my boss, etc... Or is it true that the only opinion that matters for the Christian is what does Christ think of me? Wow, that's a loaded question...He who know the hearts of men, he who knows my every thought, my every deed...future, present, and past! What does He think of me: that I'm dust, was once dead (utterly helpless) in my sins and trespasses, without hope. That I do the things I don't want to do and don't do the things I want to, I'm selfish and self centered, and often to self focused. Actually others no matter how bad they think of me really don't think bad enough for they don't really know me and I wonder how much I actually know me:) Since the only good that I do is the work of Christ in me and is not me at all!!! Why should I be offended then when anyone thinks less of me. I'm so glad that God sees me through the eyes of Christ, a precious daughter, righteous, washed and cleaned because of what He has done for me. It is Jesus' opinion that matters above all others and His opinion just has to be enough.
One other thing to note, just in case some of you who are reading this are not in a stepfamily situation but are in an unhappy marraige. You might at times be tempted to think that you would be better off with someone else. Maybe you look at so and so's husband and think it would be great to have him as a husband and dad. Let me add this, the grass is not usually greener on the other side. Statistics are not that great for first marriages anymore but they are even worse for second especially when children are involved. Listen to What Wednesday Martin says in her book about this: "My marraige was meant to be. It was also doomed to fail. You see, I chose a man with children...the greatest predictor of divorce is the presence of children from previous marraige. In fact divorce rates are 50 percent higher in remarriages with children than in those without."
Let me just add that though there is a lot of good information in the blended families book I have recently learned that step-families don't blend. It's more like oil and water. That was another expectation that I had to learn to let go of and really wish someone had told me right from the beginning.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Colors, Markings, Mistakes, and Selfless Love
There is one book that I often feel as though I could highlight every word on the page. What didn't jump out at me the first time I'd read through it would the second or third time through. So in this book I have had to resort to more then one color in order to not end up with a solid yellow page. What is this book you ask? It is my Bible, and it is marked up with underlining, highlighting, circled words, and a few symbols. It might look like a mess to the casual observer but these have all helped me tremendously. I still remember the day I received my Bible as a gift from my husband. The pages were crisp and white and I was afraid to make a mark on the pages. I feared making mistakes and marking something only to change my mind later. I have long since gotten over my fear and yet I have made mistakes a long the way. I have found myself studying when I was tired and actually put wrong symbols over words. I've gotten a little to happy with the highlighter going into a sentence I didn't mean too. I started circling words that I thought were key to the sentence then after doing it one way 1/4 of the way in my Bible I changed my mind about the key word:) I've gotten quite creative trying to cover up my mistakes, lol. Sometimes I don't even try to. I'm sure if anyone else were to read through my Bible they'd struggle to make sense out of all my markings in it. But that doesn't matter to me, what matters to me most is that when I pick it up and read through the pages I quickly see at a glance those things that have impacted me to the core of my being. It is my style, it is eclectic, and it has brought depth and insight when studying.
I've shared all this with you because if you haven't started marking in your Bible already I want to encourage you to not be afraid to do so especially when a verse or word jumps out at you and grabs your attention or heart. You may want to ask others how they mark theirs or if your brave you can peek at mine, and then just start doing it. Don't worry about doing it perfectly, or do it perfectly if that's your nature but do it (just do it according to your learning style and if you refine what that is a long the way that's o.k. That's what I'm continually doing). It's your Bible and it's God's Word, it's powerful, living and sharper then a two edged is everything you need for life and gives hope...renews your mind...transforms your thinking...points to Christ. I can never get enough of it, never exhaust all there is to learn from it, and every time I pick it up I see something new in it.
Here are some suggestions of possible ways to mark your Bible (remember you should do whatever works best for you and your learning style, not someone elses). O.k.grab your Bible and let's get started open up to the gospels and start marking every time you see Jesus name or reference to Him with a cross (can be red or I just use black pen. Precepts encourages you to use different colors and symbols when marking words but for my slightly ADD mind I find the colors too distracting)...or highlight Jesus words (if your Bible doesn't already), or highlight those verses or words that jump out at you and grab your attention such as references to grace. But whatever method you choose to do make sure to observe Jesus, the words He speaks, the methods He uses to get truth across, the way He speaks to those who try to establish their righteousness from the law (pharisees), the way He speaks to sinners, His responses to those who are in need. Don't get caught up in the method of study, but get caught up in the One you are studying about.
Take some time today reflecting on who you once were (dead in your sins, dust) and who you are now (still dust, but forgiven and loved) because of what Jesus has done for you (died in your place to pay your debt in full). Jesus knows you through and through; He knows where you've been, He knows where you are today, and He knows what you will become. He know you more then you know yourself and He loves you anyways. His love is sure, His mercies new each day, and His grace is greater then your sin. Run to Him who loves you purely precious daughters, and do not hide your faces, instead look into His radiant face and feel the warmth of His love envelop you. Remember He knows all about you and He loves you anyways. Sit in His presence today and thank Him for His selfless love and then share His love with others.
I've shared all this with you because if you haven't started marking in your Bible already I want to encourage you to not be afraid to do so especially when a verse or word jumps out at you and grabs your attention or heart. You may want to ask others how they mark theirs or if your brave you can peek at mine, and then just start doing it. Don't worry about doing it perfectly, or do it perfectly if that's your nature but do it (just do it according to your learning style and if you refine what that is a long the way that's o.k. That's what I'm continually doing). It's your Bible and it's God's Word, it's powerful, living and sharper then a two edged is everything you need for life and gives hope...renews your mind...transforms your thinking...points to Christ. I can never get enough of it, never exhaust all there is to learn from it, and every time I pick it up I see something new in it.
Here are some suggestions of possible ways to mark your Bible (remember you should do whatever works best for you and your learning style, not someone elses). O.k.grab your Bible and let's get started open up to the gospels and start marking every time you see Jesus name or reference to Him with a cross (can be red or I just use black pen. Precepts encourages you to use different colors and symbols when marking words but for my slightly ADD mind I find the colors too distracting)...or highlight Jesus words (if your Bible doesn't already), or highlight those verses or words that jump out at you and grab your attention such as references to grace. But whatever method you choose to do make sure to observe Jesus, the words He speaks, the methods He uses to get truth across, the way He speaks to those who try to establish their righteousness from the law (pharisees), the way He speaks to sinners, His responses to those who are in need. Don't get caught up in the method of study, but get caught up in the One you are studying about.
Take some time today reflecting on who you once were (dead in your sins, dust) and who you are now (still dust, but forgiven and loved) because of what Jesus has done for you (died in your place to pay your debt in full). Jesus knows you through and through; He knows where you've been, He knows where you are today, and He knows what you will become. He know you more then you know yourself and He loves you anyways. His love is sure, His mercies new each day, and His grace is greater then your sin. Run to Him who loves you purely precious daughters, and do not hide your faces, instead look into His radiant face and feel the warmth of His love envelop you. Remember He knows all about you and He loves you anyways. Sit in His presence today and thank Him for His selfless love and then share His love with others.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The Secret to Contentment in Marraige
What is the secret of being content in your marraige? Is it possible to take two flawed and sinful human beings who come from completely different family dynamics and have different ideas on what it means to be a family together and have peace, harmony, and contentment in the home?
I believe it is possible! The key to peace, harmony, and contentment is found in Christ and the gospel when they are in their rightful places in the home. By this I mean that we wives are seeking Christ daily, spending time in His word, meditating on it and time in prayer. This doesn't have to be a two hour time alone. If you can that is awesome, but for those of you who can not get away for long periods of time each day have you considered taking what time you can squeeze of your schedule to pray, read a Scripture or two and as you go about your day chew on what that Scripture means? Roll it around in your head, prayerfully reflecting on it asking God to help you to fully understand it and grasp it, even to memorize. For mom's who are off and running with the first cry of an infant turning on the radio and listening to a Biblically grounded Pastor might be a solution or a Scripture tape. Or having a Bible flip calendar with Scripture and a devotional thought where you will see it each day. For those women who work another alternative might be listening to Scripture or an excellent sermon in your car on the way to work and back. Taking every thought to God in prayer praying without ceasing is another way to find satisfaction and contentment in life and marraige. Why? Because we are spending time with the only One who truly satisfies, He Jesus Christ is the one who alone can meet all our needs. When all our needs our met by Him then we will not put such a heavy burden on our husbands or children (if we have them) to meet those needs. Then and only then will we be free to truly love those God has given us as our neighbors...our husbands and any children we may have and others that cross our paths.
Some of you may know my story and some of you don't, I'm not going to go into the details here except to tell you I was once married to a man who hated God. While in that marraige I heard a wise person say "you are not their Holy Spirit" "it is not your job to change them." Wow, that freed me up. God is the one who does the changing not me. I just need to do as 1 Peter 3:3-6 says, be subject to my husband, be gentle and quiet, working on my inner beauty, be pure in word and conduct all by the grace of God and the power of His Spirit. Not that I will do this perfectly but that I strive for it as to the Lord for He is our first Husband. For I'm responsible for what I do, I stand before God for me alone and not for my husband and so do you Dear Sister.
I also do not want to neglect the spiritual benefits of spending time praising God. Are you feeling blue, worn out, unappreciated, tired? Consider turning on Christian radio or put in that praise CD that's collecting dust. Soon you will find that your mind has gone from dwelling on all that's wrong in your life to the only One who is worthy of our praise and Adoration. As you sing along you will be reminded of the unchangeable truths of God's Character and your flawed doubtful thoughts of God will be renewed and reminded that He does reign, He is Sovereign over all circumstance, and that you are "sinful and flawed but welcomed and loved." Try it!
I've shared so much already and must go for now. But before I do I want to share some excerpts from a book I've been reading called Counsel from the Cross By Elyse Fitzpatrick and Denis E. Johnson. Spend some time chewing on these words today and ask God to show you the truth in them:
"Focusing on the obligations of Scripture without mentioning the declarations of the gospel has resulted in a works-oriented perspective in family relationships and idolatry of the family, and in despairing of self-righteous husband and wives and children who wonder why it's so hard to obey. When we forget that Jesus is our Savior, seeing Him merely as our example, the motivation to love as He does eludes us."
"A wife who has forgotten the that she is sinful and flawed can be harsh and judgmental. She finds it easy to point out her husband's failures, and she thinks that her growth in maturity is hindered because her husband isn't leading as he should. When her husband prays, she criticizes his prayer in her heart. When he watches television, she remembers all the hours she has spent in Bible study, comparing herself to him."
"Because she has forgotten the gospel, she forgets that she already has a sinless Husband(Jesus). But this sinless Husband married a polluted wife with no beauty in her, either before she was saved or after. He loved her out of his pure, unmerited grace. This wife has also forgotten that her growth in maturity isn't contingent upon her earthly husband's leadership. Rather, it was purchased by the precious blood of her Savior, who bought her sanctification at the cost of His life."
I believe it is possible! The key to peace, harmony, and contentment is found in Christ and the gospel when they are in their rightful places in the home. By this I mean that we wives are seeking Christ daily, spending time in His word, meditating on it and time in prayer. This doesn't have to be a two hour time alone. If you can that is awesome, but for those of you who can not get away for long periods of time each day have you considered taking what time you can squeeze of your schedule to pray, read a Scripture or two and as you go about your day chew on what that Scripture means? Roll it around in your head, prayerfully reflecting on it asking God to help you to fully understand it and grasp it, even to memorize. For mom's who are off and running with the first cry of an infant turning on the radio and listening to a Biblically grounded Pastor might be a solution or a Scripture tape. Or having a Bible flip calendar with Scripture and a devotional thought where you will see it each day. For those women who work another alternative might be listening to Scripture or an excellent sermon in your car on the way to work and back. Taking every thought to God in prayer praying without ceasing is another way to find satisfaction and contentment in life and marraige. Why? Because we are spending time with the only One who truly satisfies, He Jesus Christ is the one who alone can meet all our needs. When all our needs our met by Him then we will not put such a heavy burden on our husbands or children (if we have them) to meet those needs. Then and only then will we be free to truly love those God has given us as our neighbors...our husbands and any children we may have and others that cross our paths.
Some of you may know my story and some of you don't, I'm not going to go into the details here except to tell you I was once married to a man who hated God. While in that marraige I heard a wise person say "you are not their Holy Spirit" "it is not your job to change them." Wow, that freed me up. God is the one who does the changing not me. I just need to do as 1 Peter 3:3-6 says, be subject to my husband, be gentle and quiet, working on my inner beauty, be pure in word and conduct all by the grace of God and the power of His Spirit. Not that I will do this perfectly but that I strive for it as to the Lord for He is our first Husband. For I'm responsible for what I do, I stand before God for me alone and not for my husband and so do you Dear Sister.
I also do not want to neglect the spiritual benefits of spending time praising God. Are you feeling blue, worn out, unappreciated, tired? Consider turning on Christian radio or put in that praise CD that's collecting dust. Soon you will find that your mind has gone from dwelling on all that's wrong in your life to the only One who is worthy of our praise and Adoration. As you sing along you will be reminded of the unchangeable truths of God's Character and your flawed doubtful thoughts of God will be renewed and reminded that He does reign, He is Sovereign over all circumstance, and that you are "sinful and flawed but welcomed and loved." Try it!
I've shared so much already and must go for now. But before I do I want to share some excerpts from a book I've been reading called Counsel from the Cross By Elyse Fitzpatrick and Denis E. Johnson. Spend some time chewing on these words today and ask God to show you the truth in them:
"Focusing on the obligations of Scripture without mentioning the declarations of the gospel has resulted in a works-oriented perspective in family relationships and idolatry of the family, and in despairing of self-righteous husband and wives and children who wonder why it's so hard to obey. When we forget that Jesus is our Savior, seeing Him merely as our example, the motivation to love as He does eludes us."
"A wife who has forgotten the that she is sinful and flawed can be harsh and judgmental. She finds it easy to point out her husband's failures, and she thinks that her growth in maturity is hindered because her husband isn't leading as he should. When her husband prays, she criticizes his prayer in her heart. When he watches television, she remembers all the hours she has spent in Bible study, comparing herself to him."
"Because she has forgotten the gospel, she forgets that she already has a sinless Husband(Jesus). But this sinless Husband married a polluted wife with no beauty in her, either before she was saved or after. He loved her out of his pure, unmerited grace. This wife has also forgotten that her growth in maturity isn't contingent upon her earthly husband's leadership. Rather, it was purchased by the precious blood of her Savior, who bought her sanctification at the cost of His life."
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Rubber-band Girl
Sorry, I haven't written in awhile!!! I'm still trying to get my bearings straight and recuperate from last week. Like most of you I have a busy schedule and adding a college class into my schedule has stretched me thinner then ever. Perhaps you have experienced this too, it's like when you know that if you were to add one more thing in your schedule you'd be stretched so thin that like a rubber-band that is stretched beyond it's elasticity it breaks and stings the one who is closest and often the one holding it. That was me last week, I had added another thing on top of my class and all my other things. I was stretched beyond what I should have allowed and the resulting snap stung my youngest and myself. Instead of responding in a nice but firm way to his growing requests for attention I sharply would snap at him "no, not now." I had no patience for my little guys continual interruptions because I had no cushion in my schedule. Once I had realized what I was doing I took him in my arms and apologized letting him know that it wasn't him but me. That "mommy is just crabby because she has to many things to do and not enough time." He forgave me, but then for an hour as only little ones can do he went on and on talking about my being!!! If that's no enough to aggravate an already overworked stressed out For me though it broke the ice...I had to laugh at his comments and that released some of the tension in the air. Though the tension was less, the weight of what I had yet to get done still weighed heavy on me. I kept my eyes toward the goal of the end of the week when I could start anew, afresh with just the ordinary stress. It was not until two days later that I finally was finished.
Lesson learned: Know my limits!!!! Sometimes it's good to say no!!!! I had added that one more thing into my schedule and I was stretched so thin I was unable to do my best in all the things I was responsible for and so most if not all suffered. My family suffered for I was on edge and though physically with them I was not mentally. Instead I was focused on the many things that were weighing on me.
"Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-15
Lesson learned: Know my limits!!!! Sometimes it's good to say no!!!! I had added that one more thing into my schedule and I was stretched so thin I was unable to do my best in all the things I was responsible for and so most if not all suffered. My family suffered for I was on edge and though physically with them I was not mentally. Instead I was focused on the many things that were weighing on me.
"Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-15
Thursday, January 21, 2010
"The Blessing of Thorns"
Last year I attended a conference for Christian women. As in most conferences there were tables filled with books and misc. items that were for sale. Amongst the many books I came upon a small treasure. It was a simple silver key chain that read "The Blessings of Thorns." I knew that I was in need of being constantly reminded that the difficult and painful circumstances we all face are blessings. By that I don't mean to sound as though I'm saying they don't hurt because I know full well they do. What I do mean is that for those who are God's children, those circumstances as unbearable and painful as they may seem at the time are allowed for our good and for God's purposes (Romans 8:28). We may not always see what the good is in this life, but we can be certain that someday when we meet Jesus face to face we will fully understand. I purchased this key chain and immediately added it to my other key chains. Today I was holding my keys and glanced down at this very key chain, I rubbed it's surface thinking about it's message in the context of the many thoughts that were weighing me down and running through my head...
Those many thoughts...that life is painful and that so many people struggle with navigating through this world. That I too have struggled navigating through this world and that apart from Christ I don't know how I would. There have been many times I've been sorely tempted to be crushed by the weight of the trials I've faced. Tempted to give up, I would cry out to my Savior and He alone would give me strength along with the courage that I needed to get up and keep going. It was in these times that I experientially learned that My God is faithful, He sustains, He heals the broken heart, He comforts when no one else can, He fights for you, He protects, He strengthens those who are weak, He forgives, He is just, He provides a timely word through others, He knows all about me and loves me anyways, and I could go on and on. It was also in these times that I've seen God tear down my idols, remove unhealthy desires and habits, transform my thinking from one that rebelled against His ways to one that longed for them, and I've seen Him purify my need for affirmation from others. Learning all this and more about our God is worth to me the sorrows and hardships I have had to face. This is the good that He has worked out in my circumstances. I may not yet see the good that I had longed or prayed to see, but this I know my God is faithful and He does supply all my need in Christ Jesus. So I continue on, but not in bitterness of heart for unanswered prayer. No, I continue on rejoicing for all that Christ has accomplished on my behalf, that is my salvation and sanctification that will one day be complete. It is in this that I hope, not in a perfect life here. No, I know that in this world I will have troubles and yet Christ will see me through. I long for everyone to know this hope that I have in Christ. This hope that carries me through the darkest of times...
Other thoughts that were running through my mind that spurred all of this on...I was sitting in a coffee shop today studying for my class. I've been studying the many different psychological theories and how they measure up when compared with the absolute truths in Scripture. When I noticed a young lady along with an older woman sit down next to me. I couldn't help but be curious since this was a weekday and the girl should have been in school. I noticed that they were obviously not mother and daughter for they did not look alike in any way. Though I tried not to listen I couldn't help but overhear some of their conversation since they were right next to me. The older woman was asking probing questions of the younger girl. I only herd bits and pieces because I truly was trying to study, but this is what I gathered: the girl has been having some problems and It was obvious this woman was there to help this young woman in some way. As a result of the bits and pieces I had overheard I became burdened for both these woman. I also became introspective...
I started to think about all those I personally know who are struggling right now. Those who though they need help have chosen to not get the help they need and continue on a destructive path. It's hard watching loved ones make choices that you know will in the long run hurt themselves and those that love them. Ugh!!! Sometimes I just want to shake them so they'll wake up. Releasing them to God, letting Him deal with them in His way, and on his time scale is hard for me. My professor said in one of our classes that a counselor is not a Savior. Whack! I felt that like a slap on the back of my head. Of course there is one and only Perfect Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ!!! Though I long to help those in need and it is a God given desire, I must always remember my rightful place. That is, I'm merely an instrument of God for the purpose of pointing others to Him.
All this brings me back to that simple silver key chain and the reminder that is engraved on it's face "The Blessings of Thorns." The "Thorns" in my life God used to bring me to my knees before Him in humble repentance and submission to His will, to rid me of sin (which is an ongoing process), to show me my need of Him, to cause me to depend on Him, taught me that all I need is found in Him alone, and that through the trials He taught me about Himself in ways that could never be learned by simply studying His word. Yes, the trials I've faced I can confidently say have been a blessing to me and if you are His daughter they can be a blessing to you too.
Dear Sister, if you are going through trials right now let me suggest that you have a choice before you. You can either respond in humility asking God to teach you through the trial you are facing or you can respond by fighting against it, letting anger and bitterness build up within you. One choice leads to a joy-filled hopeful life the other to misery. Which one will you choose today?
Never forget you are loved with a perfect, faithful, everlasting, and pure love Dear Sisters!!!!
Those many thoughts...that life is painful and that so many people struggle with navigating through this world. That I too have struggled navigating through this world and that apart from Christ I don't know how I would. There have been many times I've been sorely tempted to be crushed by the weight of the trials I've faced. Tempted to give up, I would cry out to my Savior and He alone would give me strength along with the courage that I needed to get up and keep going. It was in these times that I experientially learned that My God is faithful, He sustains, He heals the broken heart, He comforts when no one else can, He fights for you, He protects, He strengthens those who are weak, He forgives, He is just, He provides a timely word through others, He knows all about me and loves me anyways, and I could go on and on. It was also in these times that I've seen God tear down my idols, remove unhealthy desires and habits, transform my thinking from one that rebelled against His ways to one that longed for them, and I've seen Him purify my need for affirmation from others. Learning all this and more about our God is worth to me the sorrows and hardships I have had to face. This is the good that He has worked out in my circumstances. I may not yet see the good that I had longed or prayed to see, but this I know my God is faithful and He does supply all my need in Christ Jesus. So I continue on, but not in bitterness of heart for unanswered prayer. No, I continue on rejoicing for all that Christ has accomplished on my behalf, that is my salvation and sanctification that will one day be complete. It is in this that I hope, not in a perfect life here. No, I know that in this world I will have troubles and yet Christ will see me through. I long for everyone to know this hope that I have in Christ. This hope that carries me through the darkest of times...
Other thoughts that were running through my mind that spurred all of this on...I was sitting in a coffee shop today studying for my class. I've been studying the many different psychological theories and how they measure up when compared with the absolute truths in Scripture. When I noticed a young lady along with an older woman sit down next to me. I couldn't help but be curious since this was a weekday and the girl should have been in school. I noticed that they were obviously not mother and daughter for they did not look alike in any way. Though I tried not to listen I couldn't help but overhear some of their conversation since they were right next to me. The older woman was asking probing questions of the younger girl. I only herd bits and pieces because I truly was trying to study, but this is what I gathered: the girl has been having some problems and It was obvious this woman was there to help this young woman in some way. As a result of the bits and pieces I had overheard I became burdened for both these woman. I also became introspective...
I started to think about all those I personally know who are struggling right now. Those who though they need help have chosen to not get the help they need and continue on a destructive path. It's hard watching loved ones make choices that you know will in the long run hurt themselves and those that love them. Ugh!!! Sometimes I just want to shake them so they'll wake up. Releasing them to God, letting Him deal with them in His way, and on his time scale is hard for me. My professor said in one of our classes that a counselor is not a Savior. Whack! I felt that like a slap on the back of my head. Of course there is one and only Perfect Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ!!! Though I long to help those in need and it is a God given desire, I must always remember my rightful place. That is, I'm merely an instrument of God for the purpose of pointing others to Him.
All this brings me back to that simple silver key chain and the reminder that is engraved on it's face "The Blessings of Thorns." The "Thorns" in my life God used to bring me to my knees before Him in humble repentance and submission to His will, to rid me of sin (which is an ongoing process), to show me my need of Him, to cause me to depend on Him, taught me that all I need is found in Him alone, and that through the trials He taught me about Himself in ways that could never be learned by simply studying His word. Yes, the trials I've faced I can confidently say have been a blessing to me and if you are His daughter they can be a blessing to you too.
Dear Sister, if you are going through trials right now let me suggest that you have a choice before you. You can either respond in humility asking God to teach you through the trial you are facing or you can respond by fighting against it, letting anger and bitterness build up within you. One choice leads to a joy-filled hopeful life the other to misery. Which one will you choose today?
Never forget you are loved with a perfect, faithful, everlasting, and pure love Dear Sisters!!!!
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