
Sunday, January 10, 2010


O.k., so I'm trying really hard not to get freaked out over this homework stuff. I have no idea what I'm doing. My first week consists merely of reading two chapters...but as I read I constantly find myself thinking what on earth am I supposed to remember here? It's not that I'm not enjoying what I'm reading because I really am. I'm finding it quite challenging and frankly there is just so much good stuff I keep thinking I'm not going to be able to remember all of it. So what do I need to focus on??? I mean I can't just copy everything down verbatim for notes...can I?!? I'm sure I'll figure this out at some point. I think it's a good problem to have after all it could be a lot worse...the subject and reading material could be boring and dry. Oh man, that would be awful...then I'd struggle with staying awake and concentrating.

As I struggle and fumble through this figuring out how to study my goal is to soak in as much of the essential info. as my brain will let Then pray that the Holy Spirit will bring to remembrance everything I need so that I will pass the class in order that I may utilize the knowledge learned in the future when needed.

In order to reach my goal I'm implementing the strategies I've used to study the Word of God. I have my own unique way of highlighting, underlining, and marking, etc... Some techniques have been learned from precepts and then modified by me for my particular learning bent. I've refined it over the years and I'm sure I will continue to do so. Highlighting and marking helps me tremendously when I want to go back and review. It enables me to go back over and quickly find the essential information. There was a time when I was hesitant and even resistant to mark up my Bible (an expensive book) fearing I'd be marring the crisp white pages. However, I have long gotten over my fears. I now know it's absolutely necessary for me to learn. Another technique I'm using is note taking. For whatever reason my brain just works better/remembers more when I write down what I'm hearing or reading. The problem for me is what does this professor want me to much do I need to concentrate on and the lazy side of me says how little (ah, it's the result of the curse and this flesh of mine that likes the path of least resistance...yes, I confess I like the easy road if I can get away with it...seems like I'm not going to...which is good I know). This is my plan in order to as I said before remember all that I'm reading or atleast what I think is the most important...and well I have all of you (if there is anyone out there reading this) to keep me accountable.

All this to say if I manage to pass this class to God be the glory!!!

I'm wondering if I put anybody to sleep yet?!?! Blogging is's sort of like journaling only there is an audience out there who's going to read every word of what you post...o.k. maybe not every word since...well if your like me if I'm reading something and it's not interesting I skim through it......Oh, well then if no one reads my blog it's just like journaling and well that's safe no one to critique you, lol.

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