
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day 18 - Sabbath Rest

Abundant Life

If this is your first day here you may want to read here first

Day 18 -  Sabbath Rest

"So the people rested on the seventh day."
Exodus 16:30

 "For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, 
and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore
the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy."
 Exodus 20:11

It is harder for some people then others to rest.  Especially in this day and age when we cram so much stuff into our week.  Often we move at a frantic and hurried pace from one thing to the next even on a Sunday.   That is not how God designed it for us.  He Himself rested on the seventh day and He gave us the seventh day to rest.  I think the reason He gave us a day of rest was that He knew we wouldn't take it otherwise and yet we desperately need a day to slow down and enjoy the work of our hands.  There are some who strictly believe that the seventh day is Saturday and there are others who accept Sunday.  *I'm not so much concerned about the day as much as, are we getting a day of rest.  Or for those of us who often can't get a whole day at once are we getting moments of rest during the week that add up to a day of rest?  Why moments?  Because some of us actually work on Saturday and/or Sundays or atleast an occasional one.  That is especially true for those who work in health care and retail, but there are other jobs that require you to work on weekends as well.  

I personally work in retail and have been fortunate in that I was able to work it out with my manager that I would have off every Sunday morning so that I could attend church with my family.   However, I have often had to work the rest of the day.   Working in retail my schedule is always changing and with having a busy family along with my ministry stuff it can be hard to find a true full day of rest.  I'm learning that if I can carve chunks of down time for me I will be rejuvenated.  Such as an hour one day, 2 the next, 30 min., another, and 3 another, and so on.  That down time can include:  quiet time with the Lord (a daily must for me), meeting a friend for coffee, exercising (try to get this one in atleast 3 times a week), time with my husband, one on one time with my children, and an exceptional treat would be reading a good book

Being an introvert that the Lord has been transforming more and more into a extrovert, I need time by myself.  My husband on the other hand seems to be rejuvenated by people.  So for him getting rest does involve being with people.  I love being with people and care deeply for them, but after a time I do become drained by them (probably because I care so much) and If I don't have an opportunity to get away and be by myself I can get very irritableAt least irritable on the inside and at times outwardly it starts to show too.  So, when I can feel myself getting to that point I look for opportunities to get away.  When my kids where little I'd go in the bathroom and lock the door (otherwise they follow you in there).  I'd just need sometime to be by myself and talk to God.  Now that my youngest is seven I can go sit out on my patio with my Bible and a cup of coffee or glass of tea depending on the outside temperature or in bad weather it may be my living room or at Starbucks all by myself.

My point is that if we want to experience the abundant life in Christ we do need to take the time to get rest when we can and in whatever way is most restoring for us.  If we don't we won't be much good to those whom we love or rub shoulders with on a daily basis.  Praying that God will give you opportunities to rest and you Dear Sister will take it!   
*I completely understand that there are some of you who hold strictly to the idea of resting on the 7th day and if that's you, you probably will disagree completely with me.  To that I don't know how to answer other then to say this is what "I" believe.  If I am wrong I pray God would show me so.  As said in the description of me, I am no theologian just an ordinary woman madly in love with her Savior Jesus Christ.  To Him be the glory!  For I am a work in progress that He is transforming day by day.

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